In-Depth with Education

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 9:00am to 10:00am EDT
Event Location: 
Zoom / Virtual

Are you joining one of Lakehead's Teacher Education programs or simply interested in learning more?

Be our guest at the upcoming In-Depth with Teacher Education live webinar! Join Dr. Don Kerr, Associate Professor, Tina Falcigno, Undergraduate Program Administrator and Dr. Pauline Sameshima, Professor and Acting Chair: Graduate Studies and Research in Education to learn more about why Lakehead is a university to pursue your future education goals.

In addition to asking your questions live, you can also expect to learn about:
- Education program options
- Topics covered in the program
- Hands-on learning & placements
- First-year classes & sample courses
- Research opportunities
- Career outcomes

Our recruitment team will be leading the presentation and hosting a live question & answer period. Register today!