2022-23 Religious Studies Courses

The Official University Timetable must be consulted and used in seeking registration for courses.

Course descriptions are in the University Calendar, undergraduate courses; NOTE: official University Calendar courses are not offered in their totality annually as a rotation of courses follows the timetable for academic planning. 
Course descriptions for special topics, themes, and issues go to page here.
Instructor information is linked through their names. Visit the current University Course Timetable for verification of courses now offered for registration.


First Year Courses (full-year)

RELI 1100 YDE - Introduction to World Religions - Prof. A. Marie Taylor
RELI 2501 YDE: Introduction to the Bible - Rev. Dr. Randy Boyd

Second Year Courses Fall 2021/ Winter 2022

RELI 2715 FA - Special Topics South Asian Religions - Hinduism,Buddhism,Sikhism  - Dr. Brian Dunn
RELI 2715 WA - Special Topics  Abrahamic Religions - Judaism,Christianity, Islam - Dr. Brian Dunn

 [This list is subject to curriculum changes, final instructor and budget approval.]