1. | Approval of Agenda |
2. | Approval of the March 19, 2018 Senate Minutes |
3. | Business Arising from the Minutes (not elsewhere on the agenda) |
| 3.1 | 2018-2023 Strategic Plan (Mr. David Tamblyn) MOVED that the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan be endorsed. |
4. | Reports of Senate Standing Committees |
| 4.1 | Senate Academic Committee Report (Dr. Todd Randall) |
| 4.2 | Senate Budget Committee Report (Dr. Jennifer Roth) |
| 4.3 | Senate Executive Committee Recommendations MOVED that the following faculty members be appointed to the Senate Nominations Committee for the terms indicated: - Dr. Irfan Butt for the term July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020
- Dr. Aristocles Carastathis for the term July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020
- Dr. Salimur Choudhury for the term commencing immediately to June 30, 2020
- Dr. Naqi Sayed for the term July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020
| 4.4 | Faculty of Graduate Studies Council Report (Dr. Chander Shahi) |
| 4.5 | Senate Organization Committee (Dr. Judith Leggatt) |
| | 4.5.1 | MOVED that the attached amendments to the Senate Bylaws be approved, and that the “Terms of Academic Colleague and Alternate” policy be rescinded, both effective July 1, 2018.
| 4.6 | Senate Research Committee Report (Dr. Grazia Viola) |
| 4.7 | Senate Teaching and Learning Committee Report (Dr. Douglas Ivison) |
| 4.8 | Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee Report (Dr. Rachel Warburton) |
5. | Calendar Change Approvals |
| 5.1 | Approval of Undergraduate Calendar Changes (Dr. Rachel Warburton) |
| | MOVED that the following undergraduate Academic Calendar changes be approved: Faculty of Business Administration - 2017-BUS-6355 – H.B. Comm Marketing courses
- 2017-BUS-6356 – Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Marketing Major
Faculty of Engineering - 2018-ENG-6503 – COURSE – MODIFICATION-UG-CIVIL ENGINEERING – add co-req
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies - 2017-SCI-6335 – Applied Life Sciences Combined Degree/Diploma Program with Georgian College
- 2017-SCI-6417 – Special-Modification-UG-Computer Science-LU-GC-Articulation Agreement
- 2017-SCI-6452-A – Honours Bachelor of Computer Science – Combined Credential Program
- 2017-SCI-6459 – Updates to the BSc General Program
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - 2017-SOC-6215 – Program-New-UG-Languages-Certificate in International Languages
- 2017-SOC-6222-B – Economics: Business 1056 and 1076 is replacing 1066
Political Science: POLI 2110 is replacing 2212 and 2213 (both were discontinued to make 2110). - 2017-SOC-6298 – Discontinuing Indigenous Learning 3333
- 2017-SOC-6337 – Change to course list for HBASC Human Nature Concentration
- 2017-SOC-6382 – Cross listing Anthropology and Indigenous Learning courses
- 2017-SOC-6391 – Course title change for Indigenous Learning 3351
- 2017-SOC-6441 – Cross-Calendar SOCI 3811 and MDST 3811
- 2017-SOC-6442 – Cross-List MDST 3410 with WOME 3410.
- 2017-SOC-6446 – Update language to current standards
- 2017-SOC-6460-A – Media Studies Course changes
- 2017-SOC-6460-B – Media Studies Course changes
- 2018-SOC-6484 – cross list request with Media Studies in Orillia
- 2018-SOC-6500 – Course-Modification-UG-Women’s Studies-Course title Change
- 2018-SOC-6509 – Course-Modification-Women’s Studies-addition of the Offering information
- 2018-SOC-6510 – Courses-Modification-Women’s Studies-addition of offering information
| 5.2 | Approval of Undergraduate Regulation and Admission Changes (Dr. Todd Randall) MOVED that the following undergraduate regulation and admission changes be approved: Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies - 2017-SCI-6418 – Special-Modification-UG-Computer Science-Admission-LU-GC-Program
- 2017-SCI-6336 – Admission Requirements Applied Life Sciences Combined Degree/Diploma Program with Georgian College
- 2017-SCI-6452-B – Honours Bachelor in Computer Science – Combined Credential Program Admission Requirements
6. | Approval of Professional Associate |
| 6.1 | MOVED that Dr. Hugh Stevenson be appointed as a Professional Associate in the department of Interdisciplinary Studies for the term July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2021. |
7. | Informational Items |
| 7.1 | Adjunct Professor Renewal |
| 7.2 | Appointment to Senate - The Ogimaawin-Aboriginal Governance Council (O-AGC) has appointed Ms. April Head as the O-AGC Member on Senate for the term commencing April 9, 2018 to June 30, 2019.
| 7.3 | President’s Report (Dr. Moira McPherson) |
| 7.4 | Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Report (Dr. David Barnett) |
Adjournment |