Research Transition Committee

Update: As the Province of Ontario has shifted into Phase III, the COVID-19 Research Transition Committee has been reconvened to review, consider, and make new recommendations on research reopening on campus, and possible face-to-face research. The Research Transition Committee has added additional members with expertise in the Social Sciences and Humanities, community engaged research and research ethics.

The Lakehead COVID-19 Research Transition Committee has been convened to share university principles
and recommendations on restarting research activities through a phased-in approach, and being mindful of
any lifting and reinstatement of protocols due to subsequent outbreaks.

The scope of the principles and recommendations will be determined by the committee and will be informed
by information sharing amongst university members, as well as learning from other jurisdictions and
documents. Areas of focus for the committee will include: signals needed for restart; planning for a
staggered approach; costs and issues related to reopening labs; working with industry partners; workforce
planning; and commercialization and start-ups.

The committee will consult as much as possible in a short period of time. Recommendations will be made
to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and will then be taken to the COVID-19 Transition
Committee and ETWG. Recommendations will also be informed by the Lakehead COVID-19 Research
Transition Committee attending and getting feedback from the Research Roundtable on May 29. We are
expecting the committee’s recommendations to be provided in early June. This is similar to what is
occurring at almost every other university and recognizes that research restart may be at the forefront of
resumption of university activities.

Consultation Process

  1. General Research Roundtable (Friday May 29th)
  2. Faculty Deans
  3. Written feedback on draft
  4. Follow-up Roundtable on Research Reentry planning documentation (tentatively scheduled June 8th)
  5. Committee reports back into COVID-19 Transition Committee

Research Transition Committee members

Dr. Batia Stolar, Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies (Chair)
Dr. Francis Appoh, Director ATS (LUCAS, LUIL, P-DNA)
Hugh Briggs, Director, Physical Plant
Dr. Pedram Fatehi, Director, BRI
Dr. Christine Gottardo, Professor, Chemistry
Dr. Rebecca Heffernan, Research and Strategic Initiatives Facilitator, Orillia
Trista King, Animal Care Technician
Dr. Sreekumari Kurissery, Professor, Biology/Sustainability Sciences
Ursula MacDonald, Manager, Health & Safety and Wellness
Tiffany Moore, Lab and Biosafety Specialist
Dr. Ryan Tonkens, Bioethicist
Susan Wright, Research Ethics and Administrative Officer
Dr. Kristin Burnett, Professor, Indigenous Learning
Anne Klymenko, Director, Research Services

If you have any questions or matters you wish you raise with the Research Transition Committee, please email