Dr. Katie Whitaker
Contract Lecturer Desk Area - Orillia Campus
Tues 1 pm - 2 pm
Research Areas:
Academic Qualifications:
- PhD - Archaeology, University of York
- MSc - Paleopathology, Durham University
- HBA - Biological Anthropology, University of Western Ontario
Date joined Lakehead:
Research Interests:
My underlying interests are focused on osteology, bioarchaeology and paleopathology, however methodologically I am concentrating on a multidisciplinary approach in order to uncover a wider range of information derived from skeletons as it relates to individual and population level quality of life as well as evidence of social differentiation and the movement of people.
My background includes British prehistory and biological anthropology, though these research interests can be applied to any archaeologically derived population, irrespective of geographic or temporal constraints.
Overall I am concerned with uncovering the daily lives and well being of people in the past with regards to how they interacted with one another and their landscape.
Selected Publications:
Whitaker K, N Milner, C Fenton-Thomas, G Davies, O Craig. In prep. Mobility in the Iron Age on the Yorkshire Wolds at Melton. Journal of Archaeological Science.
Whitaker K, TG Manby, N Milner. In prep. The Early Bronze Age barrow of Staxton Beacon: A modern assessment of quality of life. International Journal of Osteology.
Whitaker K. In prep. Changing quality of life among the prehistoric females in East Yorkshire. Antiquity.
Whitaker K. In prep. A gazetteer of what is known of the prehistoric sites with human remains on the Yorkshire Wolds. To be submitted as a book.
Whitaker K. 2010. Book review: Advances in Human Paleopathology. PaleoAnthropology: 210-11.
Whitaker, Katie. 2005. Anemia Among Past Maya Populations: When Will We Have the Answers? Totem: The University of Western Ontario Journal of Anthropology 13: 13-19.