Randle W. Nelsen

Professor Emeritus
Academic Qualifications: 

B.A.(Honors), Sociology ,Willamette University ,1965
M.A., Sociology, University of Hawaii,1967
Ph.D., Sociology, McMaster University, 1975

Research Interests: 



2017  Degrees of Failure:  University Education in Decline.  Toronto:  Between the Lines.

2012 Life of the Party: A Study in Sociability, Community, and Social Inequality. Toronto: Between the Lines.

 2007  Fun & Games & Higher Education:  The Lonely Crowd Revisited.    Toronto:  Between the Lines.

 2002  Schooling As Entertainment:  Corporate Education Meets Popular Culture.  Kingston, Ontario:  Cedarcreek Publications. 

1997 Inside Canadian Universities:  Another Day at the Plant.  Kingston, Ontario:   Cedarcreek Publications.  Editor and Contributor.

1996 The Training Trap:  Ideology, Training and the Labour Market. Winnipeg/Halifax.  Society for Socialist Studies/Fernwood Publishing.  Co-editors Thomas Dunk and Stephen McBride.

1991 Miseducating:  Death of the Sensible.  Kingston, Ontario:  Cedarcreek Publications.

1978 Reading,Writing, and Riches:  Education and the Socio-Economic Order in  North America.  Kitchener:  Between the Lines Press.  Co-editor David A.  Nock.

Chapters in Books

2012 The Military-Industrial-University Complex and Social Science: A Brief History and Current Update of a Professional Contribution to War. Pp. 148-162 in Paul R. Carr & Brad J. Porfilio (Eds.) Educating for Peace in a Time of Permanent War: Are Schools Part of the Solution or the Problem? London: Routledge.

2011  The Community College Con: "Changing Your Life Through Learning." Pp. 259-275 in Stephen E. Bosanac & Merle A. Jacobs (Eds.), Work, Occupations & Professionalization. Whitby, Ontario: de Sitter Publications.
Reprint with revisions.

2006  The Community College Con:  "Education That Works"?  Pp. 336-357 in Merle Jacobs and Stephen E. Bosanac (Eds.), The Professionalization of Work.  Whitby, Ontario: de Sitter Publications.

1997 "Reading, Writing and Relationships Among the Electronic Zealots:  Distance Education and the Traditional University."  In Randle W. Nelsen, ed., Inside Canadian Universities.  Kingston:  Cedarcreek, pp. 184-210.

1997 "Marking Time in Computopia:  The Edubusiness University Revisited."  A reprint of a previously published journal article in Randle W. Nelsen, ed., Inside Canadian Universities.  Kingston:  Cedarcreek, pp. 26-37.

1996 "Deviance and Discipline in the Classroom."  In Bernard Schissel and Linda  Mahood, eds., Social Control in Canada:  Issues in the Social Construction of Deviance.  Toronto:  Oxford, pp. 373-402.

1995 "On the Social Construction of Deviancy and Normalcy."  In Bin-ky Tan, ed., The Human Individual and Social Organization.  Kingston, Ontario:  Cedarcreek, pp. 86-96.

1993 "Schooling and Inequality."  In P. Li and S. Bolaria, eds., Contemporary Sociology.  Toronto:  Copp Clark Pitman, pp. 328-351, (Co-author David  A. Nock).

1988 "Books, Boredom, and Behind Bars:  An Explanation of Apathy and  Hostility in Our Schools."  In Alice L. Boberg, ed., Exploring the  Teaching Milieu.  Calgary:  Detselig, pp. 133-157.  Reprint.

1987 "Books, Boredom, and Behind Bars:  An Explanation of Apathy and Hostility in  Our Schools".  In Terry Wotherspoon, ed., The Political Economy of Canadian  Schooling.  Toronto:  Methuen, pp.117-140.  Reprint.

1978 "Growth and Celebration of the American Multiversity" in Reading, Writing, and  Riches, pp. 120-135.

1978 "The Education-As-Autonomous Argument and Pluralism:  The Sociologies of  Burton R. Clark, David Riesman, and Christopher Jencks" in Reading, Writing  and Riches, pp. 40-66.

Journal Articles

2010    "The Promise of a Sociology Degree in Canadian Higher Education,"  Canadian Review of Sociology, 47(4): 405-430.  Co-author Antony Puddephatt.   

2007  "Tailgating,"  The Semiotic Review of Books 17(1):  7-10.

2004   "Replaying Reuel Denney,"  The Semiotic Review of Books 14(2): 1-3.

2003   "Remembering Reuel Denney:  Sociology as Cultural Studies,"  The American Sociologist 34(3): 25-39.

1996 "The Training Trap:  Ideology, Training and the Labour Market" (Introduction to the book), Socialist Studies Bulletin, No.43 (January-March), pp. 15-25.  Co-authors Thomas Dunk and Stephen McBride.

1993 "After the Mill Closed:  Retraining for What?," Our Times:  Canada's    Independent Labour Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 3.  Co-author Thomas Dunk.

1990 "Marking Time in Computopia:  The Edubusiness University Revisited,"
Society/Société, Vol.14, No.3, pp.15-22.

1990 "Saying 'No' to Computers in the Classroom," Canadian Journal of EducationalCommunication, Vol.19, No.2, pp 139-149.

1987 "The Corporate Promotion Process and the Hidden Curriculum of Class and Gender:  A Reply to Wexler."  Human Affairs, No.13, pp.168-177.  Co-author   Jan Mayer.

1986 "Schooling Never Ends:  A Study of Job Promotion Among Corporate Office Workers," Human Affairs, No. 10, pp. 32-54.  Co-author Jan Mayer.

1985 Review Essay--"The End of Childhood:  Technological Change, Parenting and the School," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol.   22, No. 2, May, pp. 303-310.

1985 "Books, Boredom and Behind Bars:  An Explanation of Apathy and Hostility in our Schools," Canadian Journal of Education, Vol. 10, No. 2, Spring, pp. 136-  160.

1984 "The Limits of Bureaucratized Scientistic Professionalism and the Potential of Humanistic Social Science, Part Two," Human Affairs, No. 7, Fall, pp. 81-101.

1984 "The Limits of Bureaucratized Scientistic Professionalism and the Potential of Humanistic Social Science," Human Affairs, No. 6, Spring, pp. 1-16.

1982 "Science, Ideology, and Reading, Writing and Riches," The Journal of    Educational Thought, Vol. 16, No. 2, August, pp. 73-88.  Co-author David A.  Nock.

1981 "Reading, Writing and Relationship:  Towards Overcoming the Hidden    Curriculum of Gender, Ethnicity, and Socio-Economic Class," Interchange, Vol.   12-2/3, September, pp. 229-242.

1980 "Atikokan Is Everywhere," The Last Post, Vol. 7, No. 7, February,  pp. 16-24.    Co-author Graham Saunders.

1979 "Employer Insurance:  Workmen's Compensation," Ontario Report, Vol.   3, No. 4, February, pp. 9-12. Co-author Sandra Steinhause.

1978 "Science as Capitalist Ideology:  The Sociology of Max Weber Reconsidered,"  Alternate Routes:  A Critical Review, Vol. 2, pp. 34-72.

1977 "Education and Politics in Liberia and the United States:  A Socio-Economic Comparison of Colony and Colonizer," Umoja:  A Journal of Black Studies, Vol.  I, No. 1, Spring, pp. 55-71.   Co-author Stephen S. Hlophe.

Book Review

1993  Review of Julie White, Mailand Female:  Women and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in The Canadian Journal of Sociology 17:3, pp.   362-364.