Panel Discussion: Turtle Conservation in Ontario: Challenges & Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing World The Role of Research and Innovation in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals

Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 1:45pm to 3:15pm EST
Event Location: 
R&I Week Virtual Event Portal
Event Contact Name: 
Office of Research Services
Aligned with this year's Research and Innovation Week theme "Our Changing World", this year's Research Showcase highlights how Lakehead University research projects, innovative collaborations and initiatives are playing a role in the achievement of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

  • Tricia Robins, Park Ecologist, Parks Canada - Bruce Peninsula National Park
  • Sara Solaimani-Baghainia, Public Outreach Education Officer, Parks Canada - Georgian Bay and Ontario East Field Unit
  • Dr. Stephen Hecnar, Professor & Researcher, Department of Biology, Lakehead University
  • Dr. Linda Rodenburg, Director, Community Engagement & Lifelong Learning, Lakehead University
  • Dr. Todd Randall, Dean, Faculty of Sciences & Environmental Studies, Lakehead University
UN Sustainable Development GoalsLife on Land