SES Executive Notes: September 19, 2011


  • Andrew P. Dean
  • Christine Gottardo
  • Matthew Boyd
  • Robert Dilley
  • Mark Gallagher
  • Maurice Benson
  • Livio Di Matteo
  • Adam VanTuyl
  • Stephen Kissin
  • David Law
  • Tina Maenpaa (recorder)


  • Carney Matheson
  • Kamil Zaniewski

1. Additions to and Approval of Agenda

A. VanTuyl asked A.P. Dean to comment on the blackboards in the Ryan Building

Agenda approved by D. Law, seconded by A. VanTuyl


2. Review of Summary Notes from April 4, 2011

To approve the Notes of April 4, 2011
Moved: A. Dean
Seconded: C. Gottardo


Business arising from notes

  • FIPPA training for access to transcripts is in the works
  • Academic Plan – a list will be circulated this month
  • Research Plan is now a part of the Academic Plan
  • The timeline for Individual Departmental Academic Plans has not been finalized
  • Carried forward should be posted on the budget this month
  • Departments need to formally request funds from the carried forward from the Dean or transfers will not be considered

3. Announcements (A.P. Dean)

  • A.P. Dean welcomed everyone back and welcomed new Chairs, Drs. Gallagher and Law to the executive
  • A.P. Dean stressed how he will share information with the Chairs via email or meetings. It is important that the Chairs share this information with their departments. Once notes from the executive have been passed, they are posted on the Faculty website for reference.
  • This summer several blackboards were painted white in the Ryan Building to accommodate the data projectors mounted from the walls since the screens were inadequate. Instructors who rely on the traditional use of blackboards are upset not just because of the lack of blackboards but the lack of communication and consultation before the decision was made. A.P. Dean let the executive know that he has spoken with the TSC director and is waiting for a response
  • A.P. Dean explained how he has been reviewing areas of growth and decrease in enrolment by specifically comparing enrolment numbers from 2009, 2010, and 2011.
  • A.P. Dean Will send out this week a more detailed analysis. Dr. Hanley has an enrolment presentation this afternoon at SMT
  • Overall there has been a slight decrease at the university and within the Faculty. These decreases could be a result of the capped rules implemented for the Faculty of Education.
  • As in the past the VPA office will review proposals for hiring but we need to be aware that only those areas that show a significant need for replacements will be considered
  • Departments that have been functioning without a replacement for a few years may not be automatically granted a position
  • Let A.P. Dean know if anyone is retiring
  • The Dean's Office is re-vamping the SES Website with the help of a new website programmer, Jasmine Durham, and a new student writer, Erin Collins. Erin will be contacting the Chairs for interviews to help create new pages that clearly define our new direction toward clustering subjects by academic domains
  • OUF will be held in October 14-16th. A. VanTuyl, D. Law, and A.P. Dean will be attending the fair
  • A.P. Dean handed out the new Viewbooks and brought the executive's attention to the clusters of academic domains highlighted
  • A.P. Dean announced that Economics, and General Science will be going through the undergraduate review.
  • A.P. Dean has applied to have our ENST program Accreditated with ECOCanada
  • Finalizing the Fall Back Degrees has been delayed
  • A.P. Dean announced that L. Malek is organizing tours of our specialized areas for late October
    • CNFER
    • NOSM
    • TBRRI
    • BRI

Important Dates

  • September 30th PTR
  • October 1st Sabbatical
  • October 15th Merit (Four binders)
  • November 3 Speaker Series (Dr. Kris Helgan)
  • November 25th Science Olympics

4. Statistics Course in Math (AV)

A. VanTuyl asked the executive to review their programs for Math 2321. The Math department will be changing this course from a FCE to two HCE's. Calendar Changes will be distributed if necessary.

5. President Initiative (AD)

The President's office distributed an announcement via Communication Bulletin asking for Faculties to create proposals to improve the sustainability of Lakehead University. Every manager at Lakehead University is encouraged to come forward with projects that will help the University’s long-term sustainability by increasing enrolment, increasing other revenue, or reducing long-term costs. The President’s Request for Initiatives (PRI) will provide funds of $5,000 to $50,000 to help finance the best projects. These proposals are due in the Dean’s office September 30, 2011.

6. Canada Research Chair Proposal (AD)

The proposals are due September 23rd. They will be forwarded from the Dean’s office. Follow Dr. Wang's template and make sure all areas have been addressed. The document has been distributed.

7. Integrated Budget & Planning (AD)

A.P. Dean attended a two day retreat for SMT plus managers in August. The University will be moving to more integrated planning and budgeting. For example there will be a review of the financial impact of bringing in outside revenue, and service teaching. A. VanTuyl asked if there will be consideration for how much money is needed to run departments as many do not receive enough to maintain supplies & consumables or printing necessities.

8. Advertising & Hiring Sessionals (AD)

A.P. Dean reviewed the hiring dates for sessionals: May 1st for fall courses and Feb 1st for winter courses. He encouraged the executive to provide the Dean’s office with an ad that can be posted on the Faculty website. For an instructor to have first right to a course he/she must be a member of LUFA or the policy does not apply.

9. Registrar Procedures (AD)

There was some discussion about the best policy and procedure that would work effectively for the Faculty of Science & Environmental Studies. This was the final wording that will be sent to Senate for approval:

  1. An overload for a SES student will be defined has having more than 5 HCE's in one term
  2. When a SES student requests an overload he/she will need permission of the Chair of his/her program only
  3. Completing the change in registration form should be encouraged, but an email to confirm approval from the Chair will also be accepted by the Registrar
  4. A SES student will not be allowed to take an overload in his/her first year
  5. To be granted an overload, the cumulative average will remain at 70%

10. Health and Safety (AD)

A.P. Dean reviewed the memo circulated from the Joint Health and Safety Committee Labs and Studios about their request to have Working Alone Policies submitted to them. The only one on record in the Dean’s office is from Anthropology.

There was some discussion

11. Adjunct Professor(s)

Adjunct professor requests will be tabled to the October 13th Executive meeting.

Adjourned: 1:00pm