SES Executive Notes: March 7, 2011


  • Andrew P. Dean
  • Christine Gottardo
  • Carney Matheson
  • Kamil Zaniewski
  • William Sears
  • Maurice Benson
  • Livio Di Matteo
  • Adam Van Tuyl
  • Stephen Kissin
  • Peter Lee
  • Tina Maenpaa (recorder)

1. Additions to and Approval of Agenda

C. Matheson added the Anthropology move to the Agenda under announcements.

Agenda approved by M. Benson, seconded by K. Zaniewski.


2. Review of Summary Notes from February 7, 2011

Motion: To approve the Notes of February 7, 2011
Moved: A. Dean
Seconded: S. Kissin


Business arising from notes

C. Matheson asked when the FIPPA Training will be for the Access to transcripts and A. P. Dean explained that the details have yet to be determined.

A.P. Dean reminded those Chairs with vacancies in technician positions that they have to provide justifications before any searches can begin.

A. P. Dean provided more information for the proposal to have another Gairdner Foundation Day with focus on Science and Health in collaboration with TBRRI and NOSM.

3. Announcements (A.P. Dean)

  • C. Matheson provided a summary of the Anthropology's move from Kenora house to the 2nd floor of the Braun Building during study week. Originally it was estimated that the move would take 2 days and it took the entire week. The department is waiting for shelves, phones, signs and furniture for their labs and teaching room.
  • A.P. Dean reported that the Draft of the Academic Plan is coming out today. First discussed during Senate Academic. There are six academic priorities and strategies. The strategies are more important than the priorities. There are two sections: 1. Setting the stage and 2. Framing the Future
  • Recruitment and Conversion meeting has been set for March 15th. The goal is a 15% increase in enrollment by 2013 from 2009.
  • Fall back degrees are all done. Thank you for your assistance. The next step is to consider where and if anywhere would we eliminate three year degrees and to consider where if anywhere and why we might increase entrance average.
  • Please take a moment to review your course descriptions posted in the course calendar and make sure they are accurate and clear.
  • There have been Communication Bulletins circulated for those who are interested in serving on Senate Committees. If you are interested, you canĀ view the 2012 Standing Committees list (PDF)
  • The proposed timeline for Special Exams will be presented at Senate.

W. Sears added that an official document that establishes the process for exams missed due to illness should be considered as presently the responsibility rests on the instructor.

M. Benson added that letters from the students should be kept with the Registrar.

4. Case for Support, Vision for the Faculty (AD)

Andrew Martin has been hired to write a narrative for developing a case for support. A smaller committee will be created to help establish the details that need to be promoted to highlight our Faculty.

5. Science Olympics (Volunteers & USRA help) (AD)

The committee is always looking for members to assist with the activities and if your USRA students are available please encourage them to get involved. The day has been set for May 13th 8am to 2pm at PACI. There will be a lunch. The event will be for the Grade 9's and 10's.

6. Carry Forward Policy (AD)

A.P. Dean shared the proposed procedure for the Faculty of Science & Environmental Studies Carry Forward. He explained that each Chair will meet with the Dean in early December to review his/her departmental budget to identify and resolve any issues. Chairs are also encouraged to create a budget code for their carry forward.

7. New Budget model-update (AD)

A.P. Dean provided an overview of the new budget model being proposed. There was some discussion about the amount of full time salaries. It was proposed that more minors in science could increase our enrollment in science courses.

8. Internal Adjunct Professor

8.1 Dr. Robert Rempel (PL)

Peter Lee moved to renew the appointment of Dr. Robert Rempel as an external adjunct professor for the Department of Biology. C. Gottardo seconded the motion.


Adjourned: 3:35pm