SES Executive Notes: September 27, 2012


  • Andrew P. Dean
  • Carney Matheson
  • Christine Gottardo
  • Mark Gallagher
  • Maurice Benson
  • Adam VanTuyl
  • Andrew Conly
  • Dave Law
  • Mike Shannon
  • Todd Randall
  • Tina Maenpaa (recorder)

1. Additions to Agenda and Approval of Agenda

Added Item Infrastructure and Strategic Plan

Agenda approved by C. Gottardo and seconded by A. VanTuyl

2. Review of Summary Notes from May 10, 2012

Motion: To approve the Notes of May 10, 2012
Moved: A. Dean
Seconded: T. Randall


3. Items arising from notes

  • Budget meetings in December this year to discuss permanent solutions to reoccurring budget problems. Specifically to have permanent budget line items.

4. Announcements

  • The search for a CRC in Geology continues and the committee will be electing one member at Faculty Council on October 2, 2012 in DCR.
  • Work on the SES Academic Plan has begun. The main concern is aligning the main ideas about resources (faculty and technician), infrastructure and student experience from all nine departments to the goals in the Academic Plan.
  • The Science Speaker will be on November 8th at 7:30pm Dr. Beverly Goodman is our guest this year.
  • Science Olympics will be held on November 23 at PACI from 8:30am to 2:30pm. Volunteers are always needed.
  • Carry-forward memos will go out and follow the SES policy created in March 2011
  • The final details for the Assistant Dean position will go out next week. This person will be responsible for Student Pedagogy for the Year One experience and Community Engagement.
  • Strategic Plan Committee will be scheduling a presentation for the Faculty
  • Todd Randall discussed some concerns with renovation policies on campus

5. SMA (AD)

A.P. Dean briefly summarised the SMA Program from the gov't and explained that feedback would be sought.

6. International Revenue & Presentation by Dr. S. Lin (2+2) Programs (AD)

Dr. Lin will be presenting on October 1 at 10am to discuss the programs at Waterloo for our International Advisory Committee. Chairs are also welcome to attend. Lakehead International hopes to increase International learning opportunities to increase revenue. Faculties of Natural Resources and Business have programs in place already. It would be beneficial for SES to have programs in place as well. We are entitled to 25% of the tuition revenue from international under/graduate students. This total is approximately, $44,000.00. There was brief discussion on how to use this money and a few suggestions were:

  • Graduate Student Space
  • Promotion Video
  • Scholarships
  • Tuition Rebate

7. Certificate Program

During the 2012 summer, Brett Sharman created a proposal for certificate programs in our faculty after meeting with various departments and offices on campus. This proposal will be submitted to the Provost office outlining key points for revenue, Quality assurance, and implementation. Hopefully it will be in place in September 2013.

8. The New Classroom CB4056 (AD)

The dean's office has taken over CB4056. TSC will be asked to review the possibilities of having this room equipped with the technology to video-conference to Orillia and beyond. Classes will have first priority and then it will be made available for Grad Seminars, meetings, etc.… If you would like your class in this room next year, make sure you indicate this request on Schedule's loading sheets.

9. Calendar Change Procedures (TM)

T. Maenpaa provided a brief summary of the new procedures for calendar changes:

Each department will be asked to continue following the same procedures. Specifically this means that each department will submit calendar changes to the Faculty Council for review. Once the calendar changes are approved at this level, the dean’s office will initiate the calendar changes by inputting each change into the new database provided by the University Secretariat called the Curriculum Navigator. Each chair will have read only access to the calendar changes and will be prompted by the dean’s office to review the entries before Senate meetings. After this stage, the calendar changes are approved by the dean and sent to the appropriate committees for review by the University Secretariat.

10. Invitation to Faculty Council (AD)

There was some discussion on which instructors were eligible to attend the SES Faculty Council and if present by-laws for council should be changed to include all instructors. It was supported by the group that joint-appointed, tenure-track, or full time faculty members may attend without any invite and any changes to the by-laws to include other instructors without invitation would not be considered at this time.

11. Adjournment