"Crossing Lines: Recent Developments in the Korean Peninsula"

Event Date: 
Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Lakehead International (ground floor of the Chancellor Paterson Library )
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone is welcome.
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Event Contact E-mail: 

On 16 January at 7:00 pm, Dr. Carl Young (Western University) will present "Crossing Lines: Recent Developments in the Korean Peninsula."

What has led to recent peace overtures in the Korean Peninsula and where could this lead?  This presentation will look at both domestic and international factors related to the different powers involved in the Korean peninsula to help better explain why there have been new footsteps towards resolving tensions on the peninsula.  It will also assess the opportunities and obstacles to a new peace regime in Korea and its implications for the wider Asia-Pacific region.

This event is made possible by The Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council, Lakehead University’s Department of History, and Lakehead International.

It is free and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Location: Lakehead International
(ground floor of the Chancellor Paterson Library)

About the presenter: Carl Young is an associate professor in the History department at Western University in London, Ontario.  He teaches courses on Korean and Japanese history as well as on international relations in the Asia-Pacific.  His research focusses on the interplay of nationalism, imperialism, and religious social movements in Korea, as well as Korea’s place in the wider Asia-Pacific international system.

Trivia Night with LUHS

Event Date: 
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Lakehead University The Study
Event Fee: 
Advance tickets are $5 or else purchase at the door $10
Event Contact Name: 
LUHS Executive Committee
Event Contact E-mail: 

The Lakehead University History Society is hosting Trivia Night in the Study on Tuesday (November 12)! 

Our very own Dr. Jobbitt has graciously agreed to host for us, and we will be asking questions about things we weren't taught in high school!  You can play as an individual or as a team of up to 4, and a prize will be available for the winner!  This event is open to anyone, so make sure to tell your friends and come out to join us for an amazing night!

Tickets are available now for $5 and will be available at the door for $10!  If you have any questions, or would like to buy tickets, please send us an email at luhs.history@lakeheadu.ca

8th Annual Military Symposium - Transformations

Event Date: 
Saturday, November 16, 2019 - 8:30am to 5:00pm EST
Event Location: 
O'Kelly VC Armoury (317 Park Avenue)
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone one is welcome (no RSVP required)
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Event Contact Phone: 
(807) 343-8341
Event Contact E-mail: 
Event Contact Web: 

Each fall the Department of History, Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, HMCS Griffon, and the Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council partners to hold a free symposium focusing on issues relating to the Canadian Forces.

This year's symposium is focused on issues surrounding Transformations and will be held on 16 November.  Our keynote speaker is Col Howard Coombs, OMM, CD, MMAS, PhD who will be speaking on “Canadian Strategic Lessons from Afghanistan 2001-2014: Identified Not Learned.”

The complete 'at a glance' program can be downloaded by clicking here. 

Additional partners include the Ontario Historical Society, Thunder Bay Military Museum, Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society, Northwestern Ontario Archivists' Association, Lakehead University Library Archives, Rose N' Crantz Roasting Company, and the Thunder Bay Public Library.

More information about the annual symposium can be found at https://www.lakeheadu.ca/academics/departments/history/annual-military-symposium

History For Lunch "Capitalism as Death: Politicizing Loss of Life in Early 20th Century Finnish Immigrant Communities"

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm EDT
Event Location: 
Ryan Building 3026
Event Fee: 
Free. All are welcome
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Steven Jobbitt
Event Contact Phone: 
Event Contact E-mail: 

Dr. Samira Saramo is the Department of History's first guest speaker for this year's History for Lunch presentations. Her talk examines early 20th century life in Finnish Immigrant Communities.

Dr. Saramo is a former Lakehead University student and lecturer. She holds a PhD in History from York University (Toronto, Canada). Saramo's multidisciplinary research focuses on ethnicity, gender, emotion, violence, place-making, and social movements in both historical and current contexts. She is currently an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher in the John Morton Center for North American Studies at Turku University in Finland.

"The Best of a Bad Job" - Canada and the Development of International Human Rights, 1947-1976

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Regional Centre 1001
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone is welcome.
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Event Contact Phone: 
(807) 343-8341
Event Contact E-mail: 
Event Contact Web: 

On 29 October at 7:30 pm, Dr. Jennifer Tunnicliffe (Western University) will be talking about "The Best of a Bad Job" - Canada and the Development of International Human Rights, 1947-1976." 

From 1948 to 1966, the United Nations worked to create an international bill of rights that would provide a common standard for human rights protection around the globe. Canadians celebrate their country’s central role in this endeavour every Human Rights Day. Yet a detailed study of government policies toward these early UN documents tells a different story. Dr. Tunnicliffe will analyze the Canadian government’s initial opposition to the development of international human rights law, exploring how and why this position changed from the 1940s to the 1970s. Jennifer Tunnicliffe takes both international and domestic developments into account to explain how shifting cultural understandings of rights influenced policy, and to underline the key role of Canadian rights activists in this process.

This event is made possible by The Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council, Lakehead University’s Department of History, and Lakehead International.

It is free and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Thunder Bay - Regional Centre 1001

Speaker Bio: Jennifer Tunnicliffe is an Assistant Professor of History at King's University-College at Western University. She was previously an Assistant Professor of History with the Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University. Her publications include Resisting Rights Canada and the International Bill of Rights, 1947–76, published by UBC Press in 2019, and articles in Histoire Sociale/Social History, History Compass, and  chapters to several edited collections, including a study of Lester Pearson’s relationship with international human rights.

Recent Lakehead University History Student Research

Event Date: 
Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East)
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone one is welcome.

Join us on 26 November to hear Lakehead University history students discuss their original research.

Topics TBA

This presentation is part of the 2019-20 Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society's Lecture Series sponsored by the Department of History. Since 1908, the Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society has been regularly holding talks on a wide range of topics on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East) from September to April.

Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

"The History of Gold Mining in Northwestern Ontario"

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East)
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone one is welcome.

Join us on 25 February to hear John Mason talk about "The History of Gold Mining in Northwestern Ontario." The presentation will begin at 7:30 pm.

This presentation is part of the 2019-20 Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society's Lecture Series sponsored by the Department of History. Since 1908, the Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society has been regularly holding talks on a wide range of topics on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East) from September to April. All presentations are free and open to the public.

"The History of the North House Folk School"

Event Date: 
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East)
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone one is welcome.

Join us on 28 January to hear Greg Wright talk about "The History of the North House Folk School." The presentation will begin at 7:30 pm.

This presentation is part of the 2019-20 Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society's Lecture Series sponsored by the Department of History. Since 1908, the Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society has been regularly holding talks on a wide range of topics on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Thunder Bay Museum (425 Donald Street East) from September to April. All presentations are free and open to the public.

Department of History Welcome Bon-Fire - Thunder Bay

Event Date: 
Friday, September 13, 2019 - 6:30pm to 9:30pm EDT
Event Location: 
Lake Tamblyn
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone is welcome!

The Lakehead University Historical Society would like to welcome all undergraduate and graduate history students and faculty back by hosting a bonfire at Lake Tamblyn on Friday September 13th. Starting at 6:30, come and enjoy s'mores and great company!

Canada-Japan Relations

Event Date: 
Thursday, September 26, 2019 - 3:00pm to 3:50pm EDT
Event Location: 
Lakehead International (ground floor of library)
Event Fee: 
Free. Everyone is welcome.
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Event Contact E-mail: 

On 26 September at 3:00 pm, Takako Ito, the Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto, will be talking about Canada-Japan Relations.

This event is made possible by The Thunder Bay Branch of the Canadian International Council, Lakehead University’s Department of History, and Lakehead International.

It is free and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Thunder Bay - Lakehead International

Speaker Bio: Ms. Takako Ito Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) in 1985. Her overseas postings include Embassies in Canada (1988-1991), Malaysia (2001-2003), Indonesia (2010-2011), the Mission of Japan to the United Nations in NY (1997-2001) and the Mission of Japan to ASEAN as Deputy Chief of Mission (2011-2014). At home, she served as Principal Deputy Director for Asia Europe Partnership Division (2003-2005), Negotiator for Economic Partnership Agreement (2005-2007), Principal Deputy Director for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division concurrently Transnational Crimes Division (2007- 2009), Director of Development Assistance Policy Planning Division (2009-2010), Assistant Press Secretary and Director of International Press Division (2014-2016), and Assistant Chief of Protocol of MOFA as well as Master of the Ceremonies at Imperial Household Agency (2016-2017). She has received the Order of Civil Merit (Encomienda) from the Kingdom of Spain and the Order of the Crown (Officer) from the Kingdom of Belgium.


