Sense, Nonsense and Science

Event Date: 
Monday, March 9, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
OA 1033
Event Contact Name: 
Office of Research Services
Event Contact E-mail: 

About the Presentation

Being on one end of a microphone and in front of television cameras for over 30 years has afforded some fascinating insight into the public’s perception of science. It has also provided an opportunity to separate sense from nonsense in areas ranging from nutrition and medications to cosmetics and pesticides. This highly visual and entertaining presentation examines some serious as well as some frivolous experiences in dealing with the public and emphasizes the importance of fostering critical thinking.

About Joe Schwarcz

Joe Schwarcz is Director of McGill University’s “Office for Science and Society” which has the mission of separating sense from nonsense. He is the recipient of numerous awards for teaching chemistry and for interpreting science for the public. “Dr Joe” has hosted a radio show on science for 40 years, has appeared hundreds of times on television, writes a regular newspaper column and is the author of eighteen best-sellers. He has been awarded honorary degrees by Athabasca University, Cape Breton University, the University of Windsor and Simon Fraser University. Professor Schwarcz is also an amateur magician and often spices up his presentations with a little magic.


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