Let's Talk Engineering


A group of high school students will take part in a hands on learning event with Dr. Nasir Uddin, his graduate student and Lakehead Georgian Electrical Engineer students. Dr. Uddin and students will offer hands on circuit building with the high school students. In addition, we will engage our LU chapter of Let’s Talk Science. Dr. Uddin will speak during lunch on the LU Georgian program and engineering in general. This will be followed by a panel of students who will share their experience and allow high school students to ask them questions.


A hinge moment for humanity - A talk by Dan Dunsky

About the Event

Where is Melvin Kranzberg when we need him? Kranzberg was the founding editor of Technology and Culture, an influential academic quarterly, and one of the founders of the Society for the History of Technology. He is most well remembered for his “six laws of technology” which are highly relevant today as current digital technologies reshape what we know and how we know it – a clear indication that we may be on the cusp of a paradigmatic shift in human history.     


About the Speaker
