2024 Research and Innovation Award Winners

Senate Research Committee Awards

Senate Research Committee award winners

Senate Research Committee award winners, from left to right: Dr. Jian Deng, Department of Civil Engineering, Research Excellence Award (NSERC Category); Dr. Pauline Sameshima, Faculty of Education, Distinguished Researcher Award (SSHRC Category); Dr. Florin Pendea, Chair, Lakehead University Senate Research Committee; Dr. Andrew J. Dean, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Distinguished Researcher Award (NSERC Category); Dr. Charles Levkoe, Department of Health Sciences, Research Excellence Award (SSHRC Category); Mannila Sandhu, Quantitative Research Assistant, EPID @Work Institute, Research Support Award.

Distinguished Researcher Awards

Dr. Andrew J. Dean, Department of Mathematics
Dr. Pauline Sameshima, Faculty of Education

Research Support Award

Mannila Sandhu, Quantitative Research Assistant, EPID @Work Institute

Research Excellence Awards

NSERC Category

Dr. Jian Deng, Department of Civil Engineering

SSHRC Category

Dr. Charles Levkoe, Department of Health Sciences


Building Research Capacity Award

Building Research Capacity Award winners Dr. Pedram Fatehi, Department of Chemical Engineering and Dr. Stephen Kinrade, Department of Chemistry, with Dr. Andrew P. Dean, Vice-President, Research and Innovation

From left to right: Dr. Pedram Fatehi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Dr. Andrew P. Dean, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, Dr. Stephen Kinrade, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Pedram Fatehi, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Dr. Stephen Kinrade, Department of Chemistry, “NMR for Advanced Research.”


Indigenous Partnership Research Award

Indigenous Partnership Research Award winner, Dr. Jian Deng, Department of Civil Engineering, with Denise Baxter, Vice-Provost, Indigenous Initiatives

Indigenous Partnership Research Award winner, Dr. Jian Deng, Department of Civil Engineering, with presenter Denise Baxter, Vice-Provost, Indigenous Initiatives.

Dr. Jian Deng, Department of Civil Engineering, and Marcus Hardy, Chief of Red Rock Indian Band, “Nipigon River Landslides: Monitoring, Mechanisms, and Mitigation.”


Community Engaged Research Award

Dr. Sonia Mastrangelo, Faculty of Education
Dr. Gerardo Reyes, Departments of Sustainability Sciences and Biology
Katherine Killam from Camphill Communities Ontario


Innovation Award

Dr. Amanda Maranzan, Department of Psychology, Innovation Award winner (left) with Ellen MacKay Director, Innovation Development, Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development (IPED)

Dr. Amanda Maranzan, Department of Psychology, Innovation Award winner (left) with presenter, Ellen MacKay Director, Innovation Development, Office of Innovation, Partnerships and Economic Development (IPED).

 Drs. Deborah Scharf and Amanda Maranzan, Department of Psychology


Graduate Studies Awards - Graduate Student Conference

Graduate Student Conference winner

From left to right: KarLee Lefebvre Three-Minute Thesis Second Place; Madeline Fabiano, Three-Minute Thesis First Place and People’s Choice; Tristen Brown GRADflix Award winner; Dr. Chander Shahi, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies; Eduardo Reis, winner, Engineering Category (Poster Competition); Nicholas Bel, winner, NSERC Category (Poster Competition); Chiao-En Joanne Kao, winner, CIHR Category; Casey Oliver, winner Social Sciences and Humanities Category, Graduate Studies Research Excellence Awards; Crystal Hardy, winner SSHRC Category (Poster Competition).

Three-Minute Thesis

First Place: Madeline Fabiano, MSc Kinesiology (Supervisor: E. Pearson)
Second Place: KarLee Lefebvre, MSc Kinesiology (Supervisor: N. Ravanelli)

GRADflix Award

Tristen Brown, PhD Civil Engineering (Supervisor: A. Elshaer)

Graduate Studies Research Excellence Awards

Natural Sciences and Engineering Category
Sana Sharif, PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering (Supervisor: W. Ejaz)

Social Sciences and Humanities Category
Casey Oliver, PhD Clinical Psychology (Supervisor: D. Mazmanian)

Graduate Student Conference Poster Winners

Winner Engineering Category
Eduardo Reis, PhD Software Engineering (Supervisor: T. Akilan)

Winner NSERC Category
Nicholas Bel, PhD Biotechnology (Supervisor: N. Khaper)

Winner SSHRC Category
Crystal Hardy, PhD Health Sciences (Supervisors: R. Schiff and C. Mushquash)

Winner CIHR Category
Chiao-En Joanne Kao, PhD Clinical Psychology (Supervisor: Deborah Scharf)

Post-Doctoral Fellow Excellence Award

Dr. Yurii Shepelytskyi, winner, Postdoctoral Fellow Research Excellence Award (left) with Andrew Hacquoil, Acting Director, Research Services

Dr. Yurii Shepelytskyi, winner, Postdoctoral Fellow Research Excellence Award (left) with presenter Andrew Hacquoil, Acting Director, Research Services.

Dr. Yurii Shepelytskyi, Department of Chemistry (Supervisor: M. Albert)