Pipe Ceremony & Teachings

Event Date: 
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - 12:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Galina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007
Event Contact Name: 
Yolanda Twance
Event Contact Phone: 
807-343-8010 Ext. 8084
Event Contact E-mail: 

Pipe Ceremony & Teachings

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm 

Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007

Indigenous Student Services Centre is pleased to provide students with the opportunity to attend a pipe ceremony and teachings. Elder Gene Nowegejick will conduct a pipe ceremony and share his knowledge.

Light refreshments will be available.

Everyone welcome.

For more information contact  Yolanda Twance, ISSC Coordinator

at 343-8010 Ext. 8084 or coordinator.issc@lakeheadu.ca


Elder In Residence Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Event Date: 
Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 4:20pm EST
Event Location: 
Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007
Event Contact Name: 
Sheila Pelletier-Demerah
Event Contact E-mail: 

Elder In Residence - Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Indigenous Student Services Centre is pleased to have Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes available to students, staff and faculty for individual or small group teachings.

Elder Beatrice, is a member of Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation. Elder Beatrice is a traditional women’s dancer who makes her own regalia. She is a grandmother pipe carrier, a sacred circle facilitator, songwriter, singer and drummer. She shares teachings on hand drumming, the Medicine Wheel, Sacred Medicines, and the Seven Grandfathers Teachings.

You are welcome to stop by to visit with Elder Beatrice in the Elders Room in the Gakina Nindinawemaaganag Lounge UC1007.

Thursday, January 30th - 1 pm to 4 pm


Elder In Residence Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 4:20pm EST
Event Location: 
Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007
Event Contact Name: 
Sheila Pelletier-Demerah
Event Contact E-mail: 

Elder In Residence - Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Indigenous Student Services Centre is pleased to have Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes available to students, staff and faculty for individual or small group teachings.

Elder Beatrice, is a member of Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation. Elder Beatrice is a traditional women’s dancer who makes her own regalia. She is a grandmother pipe carrier, a sacred circle facilitator, songwriter, singer and drummer. She shares teachings on hand drumming, the Medicine Wheel, Sacred Medicines, and the Seven Grandfathers Teachings.

You are welcome to stop by to visit with Elder Beatrice in the Elders Room in the Gakina Nindinawemaaganag Lounge UC1007.

Wednesday, January 22nd -1 pm to 4 pm

Thursday, January 30th - 1 pm to 4 pm


Elder in Residence Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Event Date: 
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 1:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007
Event Contact Name: 
Sheila Pelletier-Demerah
Event Contact E-mail: 

Elder In Residence - Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes

Indigenous Student Services Centre is pleased to have Elder Beatrice Twance-Hynes available to students, staff and faculty for individual or small group teachings.

Elder Beatrice, is a member of Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation. Elder Beatrice is a traditional women’s dancer who makes her own regalia. She is a grandmother pipe carrier, a sacred circle facilitator, songwriter, singer and drummer. She shares teachings on hand drumming, the Medicine Wheel, Sacred Medicines, and the Seven Grandfathers Teachings.

You are welcome to stop by to visit with Elder Beatrice in the Elders Room in the Gakina Nindinawemaaganag Lounge UC1007.

Tuesday, January 14th - 1 pm to 4 pm

Wednesday, January 22nd -1 pm to 4 pm

Thursday, January 30th - 1 pm to 4 pm


Robinson Huron Treaty 1850 with Mike Restoule

Event Date: 
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - 11:30am to 1:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Via Zoom
Event Contact Name: 
Stacey Pawluk
Event Contact Phone: 
807-343-8010 ext 7219
Event Contact E-mail: 

Live Zoom to Shuniah Lounge at Confederation College and to the Public

Register in advance:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Louis Riél Day

Event Date: 
Friday, November 15, 2024 - 12:00pm EST
Event Location: 
The Study - side room
Event Contact E-mail: 

Louis Riél Day

Friday, November 15, 2024

12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Study side room

Join us to learn more about Louis Riél and celebrate Métis culture!

Lunch provided

Everyone Welcome!

Indigenous Veterans Day Ceremony and Exhibit

Event Date: 
Friday, November 8, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm EST
Event Location: 
Agora and Live-Streamed
Event Contact Name: 
Stacey Pawluk
Event Contact Phone: 
807-343-8010 ext 7219
Event Contact E-mail: 

To live-stream this event, please register at the following link:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this event.


2Spirit and Queer-Trans Indigenous People, Histories and Experiences with Teddy Syrette

Event Date: 
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - 5:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Event Contact Name: 
Yolanda Twance
Event Contact Phone: 
807-343-8010 Ext. 8054
Event Contact E-mail: 

2Spirit and Queer-Trans Indigenous People, Histories and Experiences with Teddy Syrette

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Lakehead University - UC1017

This presentation will engage with participants to explore what they know and what they think they know about 2Spirit and Queer-Trans Indigenous experiences and histories.

Participants will also review some of the LGBTQ+ Pride history of Canada. Participants are encouraged to come with an open heart, mind and spirit.

Topic Warning: colonization, racism, homophobia/transphobia, gender based violence, residential schools

Teddy Syrette paintingO-zha-wa A-nung Kwe/Yellow Star Woman (Teddy Syrette) is from Rankin Reserve of Batchewana First Nation of the Anishnabek, and currently lives in Sault Ste. Marie, ON. They have a diploma in Social Service Work - Indigenous Specialization from Sault College.

Ozhawa is a public speaker, event organiser, community developer, artist and drag queen. In 2021, they were honoured with the title of 2Spirit International Warrior. In 2023, Teddy’s business 2Spirit Anishnabe Storytelling & Advocacy was awarded the Indigenous Professional of the Year Award by the Sault Ste Marie Chamber of Commerce .

Teddy is a founding member of the 2Spirit Organising Committee of Bawating and an Indigenous led drag troupe Bawating Babes under the stage name, Bette U. Wanna of Batchewana. 


Light refreshments


Wataynikaneyap Power Pizza Party

Event Date: 
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - 12:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007A
Event Contact Name: 
Yolanda Twance
Event Contact E-mail: 

The Wataynikaneyap Power transmission system will dramatically change the way electricity is delivered to remote First Nations in Northwestern Ontario, Canada, who previously relied on diesel generation for their electricity needs. The $1.9 billion CAD project, whose name means “line that brings light” in Anishininiimowin, is equally owned by 24 First Nations (51%) in partnership with Fortis Inc. and other private investors. This is an unprecedented Indigenous ownership model of infrastructure in Canada. The transmission system connects remote First Nations to the provincial power grid via 1,800 kilometers of transmission lines and 22 substations. Reliable power opens the possibilities for growth and development, such as new housing and infrastructure. Grid connection will have a significant impact for First Nations which were previously constrained by expensive and environmentally unsustainable diesel generators already at capacity.

Wataynikaneyap Power is offering a two-year bursary and mentorship program to support post-secondary students from the transmission system’s owner communities.* Successful applicants will receive:

  • Mentorship from industry professionals
  • Opportunities for paid work placements
  • $1,000 cash bursaries
  • Industry connections
  • Personalized career support

Wataynikaneyap Power also provides student work experience placements, co-ops, and internships. Applying for this bursary is a good step towards introducing yourself and your interest in working with the Wataynikaneyap Power team!

*Ownership includes the following First Nations: Bearskin Lake, Cat Lake, Deer Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Keewaywin, Kingfisher Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Lac des Mille Lacs, Lac Seul, McDowell Lake, Mishkeegogamang, Muskrat Dam, North Caribou Lake, North Spirit Lake, Ojibway Nation of Saugeen, Pikangikum, Poplar Hill, Sachigo Lake, Sandy Lake, Slate Falls, Wabigoon Lake, Wapekeka, Wawakapewin, and Wunnumin Lake.


Birch Bark Basket Making Workshop - FULL

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 5:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Gakina Nindinawemaaganag - UC1007A
Event Contact Name: 
Sheila Pelletier-Demerah
Event Contact E-mail: 

Birch Bark Basket Making Workshop

Tuesday, October 22nd from 5 pm to 8 pm

Gakina Nindinawemaaganag Lounge – UC1007

Join local artisan, Gail Bannon, to learn about the process as she shares teachings throughout the workshop.  All materials are provided.  Space is limited. You must pre-register for this workshop.

Contact Sheila at adm.issc@lakeheadu.ca to register.
