Fall Preview Day Registration

Register for Fall preview day

Tuesday December 5th, 2023
10:00am - 2:00pm

You're invited to attend Lakehead University's Preview Day! Join us at our Thunder Bay Campus for an exciting day of exploration and discovery. This event is open to future students and their supporters interested in learning more about the Lakehead experience.

Meet with faculty, staff and current students to learn about academic programs, co-op, admissions, residence, student life and more! Event day information will be shared with registrants.

Personal Information
Tell us about yourself
This information will help us improve your experience at Lakehead University events

VIP - Explore the North

Tuesday December 5th, 2023

Traveling to Thunder Bay for Fall Preview Day? Join us for a VIP experience and explore the north on a guided tour!

Arriving in Thunder Bay on December 4th and want to be picked up by Lakehead staff to get to your hotel? Let us know and we are happy to meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel accommodations. Register below and confirm details.

On December 5th starting from Lakehead University the VIP EVENT - Explore the North tour begins! Our guided tour will enable you to explore the city, experience the largest freshwater lake in the world, and check out community sites along the way. The guided tour will finish at the Thunder Bay International Airport to start your travels back home. Note, registration in advance is required. Event day information and timing will be shared with registrants.

Please enter your flight details and hotel destination