Getting an Account
LUHPCC facilities are available to the Lakehead University community for academic research and instructional activities. Other types of activity require pre-approval.
A user account is required to use the Wesley cluster. Accounts are not required to use the Visualization facilities.
Types of Accounts on Wesley
- primary accounts are available for Lakehead faculty and staff
- sponsored accounts are available to postdocs, graduate students, visiting researchers, and undergraduate students. These accounts must be sponsored by a faculty account holder, and may be terminated at the request of the sponsor.
- course accounts have mnemonic usernames (eg. e5332-01, e5332-02) and are assigned to students for specific courses that require the cluster. These accounts must be requested by the course instructor. Course accounts are disabled and their contents removed at the end of the course.
How to Request an Account
To request accounts please send an e-mail to and include the following information:
Your Full Name
Your Lakehead e-mail address
Your status (Faculty, Graduate student, undergrad, etc.)
For non-faculty, the name and e-mail of your Faculty supervisor
A brief (1 or 2 sentence) description of your research or project area
Phone Number (optional)
Faculty requesting course accounts should also include the expected number of students, the Course ID (eg. Engi 5332), the start date, and the end date (at which time the accounts can be shut down).
How to Access Visualization Facilities
Time on the visualization facilities should be booked by sending an e-mail to and should include the following:
Your Full Name
Your Lakehead e-mail address
The date(s) and times you wish to book
Your status (Faculty, Staff, Graduate student, undergrad, etc.)
For non-faculty or staff, the name and e-mail of your Faculty supervisor
The software you plan to use
Please indicate if you will require any assistance from LUHPCC staff (eg. assistance preparing and/or giving presentations, training, group demonstrations, etc.). It is recommended that any 3D stereo presentations be tested several days in advance of the actual presentation date. Please book these times as well.