Curriculum Navigator
For assistance with Curriculum Navigator, or the Academic Calendar, email the Academic & Curriculum Developement Coordinator or call 807-766-7220 (ext. 7220)
Welcome to the resource page for Curriculum Navigator.
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What is Curriculum Navigator?
Curriculum Navigator is a web based system provided by Decision Academic, which has moved us away from the paper-based curriculum approval process to an electronic one. Proposals move through the software system from one approval stage to the next, as each stage completes their responsibility component. The final product is displayed in the Lakehead University Academic Calendar.
Why do we use Curriculum Navigator?
Curriculum Navigator is used to makes changes to our Academic Calendar in a systematic way. Since the Academic Calendar is an official University document there is a formal process for approving and implementing changes to it; that process, also known as the workflow, begins with an initiator. The initiator proposes a change, then the change follows a sequence of reviews and approvals, (e.g. for example the Dean, Faculty Council, Senate, and Senate Committees). In the past, changes were proposed using a paper document which proved difficult to manage and track. Curriculum Navigator provides a streamlined, organized, and efficient way of managing and archiving changes electronically.
What is the Academic Calendar?
The Academic Calendar is our guide to academics at Lakehead University. It is an official University document and comprehensive guide that contains information such as regulations, important dates, admission requirements, program requirements, and courses, specific to Lakehead.
How does this relate to the Course Timetable?
The Academic Calendar provides descriptions of all university courses existing at Lakehead University. Since not all courses are offered every year, students are advised to consult the Course Timetables for availability of offering. Course Timetables provide specific details such as course dates, times, locations, and instructor name(s). Just because a course exists in the Academic Calendar does not mean it will be offered that year.
How do I access Curriculum Navigator?
Every member of Lakehead University can access Curriculum Navigator. Using the credentials below, a member of the university may track and review any curriculum change in process.