Green Shield Benefit Termination of Coverage
Plan member coverage will end on the earliest of the following dates:
- The date employment ends.
- The date the plan member is no longer actively working.
- The first of the month the plan member reaches the specific termination age for your plan.
- The date plan payment ceases.
- The date the Group Contract terminates.
Dependent coverage will end on the earliest of the following dates:
- The date the plan member’s coverage terminates.
- The date the dependent is no longer an eligible dependent.
- The date the dependent child attains the specified age limit.
- The end of the period for which rates have been paid for dependent coverage.
- The date the Group Contract terminates.
Dependent Children Continuation of Coverage
Any child whose coverage ends because they have reached the specified age limit may qualify for continued coverage, subject to the following conditions:
- The child became dependent upon you by reason of mental or physical disability prior to reaching termination age
- The child has been continuously disabled since that time
Individual Conversion Plan
In partnership with Special Benefits Insurance Services, GSC offers Prism®, a health and dental program with a focus on individuals. Prism Continuum® focuses on those leaving a group health plan. Coverage is guaranteed if the individual(s) apply within 60 days of losing benefits.
For more information about the Prism® plan, contact a Customer Service Representative at Special Benefits Insurance Services at 416.601.0429 or toll free at 800.667.0429.