Staff Award - Nomination Form

Nominations are now open for the Award to Staff for Outstanding Performance and/or Contributions.  This award recognizes and rewards outstanding performance or contributions to the University by a non-faculty employee. 

For the complete policy outlining items such as the eligibility of candidates, selection criteria, and nomination guidelines visit our policy page.

Nominee Eligibility Criteria:

Identify the number of years employed full time. Employees with recurring appointments greater than or equal to eight (8) months are eligible. Each nominee must be employed at Lakehead University full-time for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately leading up to the April 1st deadline. Maternity/Parental/ Adoption and Educational Leave are not considered an interruption in the five (5) consecutive year requirement.
(indicating agreement to stand) Please Include Date
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Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx.
Letter of Support

Please attach Letter of Support from the Primary Nominator an optional (but strongly recommended) Letter of Concurrence from the immediate Supervisor as well as other related supporting documentation form Staff Members and/or Faculty Members and/or Students.

The Letters of Support and supporting documentation must reflect examples about how the nominee has shown outstanding performance and/or contributions to the University community in some way, including two or more of the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrated superior leadership skill and ability
  • Demonstrated a willingness to go far beyond the job to assist other staff and/or faculty and/or students
  • Submitted a proposal which, when implemented, had significant impact on improved efficiency or cost-saving or improved service within the University
  • Other positive impact to the University community
  • Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.
    Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.
    Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.
    Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.
    Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.
    Files must be less than 10 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx odt.



    Nominations and supporting documentation must be received by the Human Resource's Office no later than April 1st