Dionex UHPLC - Bruker amaZon X Ion Trap MS
Bruker amaZon X Ion Trap
- Mass Range: 50-3000, 200-6000 (Extended Mass Range)
- Positive/negative ion operation
- Zero Delay AlternatingTM: Polarity switching at 20 Hz MS acquisition
- ESI and APCI source.
- Pneumatic off-axis nebulization for flow rates up to 1mL/min
- High sensitivity RF ion guide
- Manual MSn up to MS11 in all scan modes.
- Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) with MS/MS and MS3
- Full scan sensitivity in MS/MS: Reserpine 250fg S/N>500: 1 (2uL at 125fg/uL)
- Resolution FWMH (u):
- 0.58 (XtremeScan)
- 0.5 (UltraScan)
- 0.30 (Enhanced Resolution Mode)
- 0.1* (Maximum Resolution Mode) *achieved for multiply charged ions (z>2), shown on the mono isotopic masses of the PGRP-2 peptide (3+, 4+ and 5+).
- 3.0 (Extended Mass Range)
- Scan Speed (u/sec):
- 52000 (XtremeScan)
- 32000 (UltraScan)
- 8100 (Enhanced Resolution Mode)
- 4600 (Maximum Resolution Mode)
- 27000 (Extended Mass Range)
- 4 Stage vacuum system, 24m3/h rough pump
- Low pulsation syringe pump for direct injection.
Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC
DGP-3600RS serial dual-piston pump
- +/- 0.1% flow rate accuracy
- 2 pumps, 3 solvents each
- 100-5000ul recommended flow range
TCC-3000RS column compartment
- 5C to 110C temperature range
- +/-0.5℃ temperature accuracy
- +/-0.1℃ temperature stability
- +/-0.1℃ temperature precision
- 2 position, 6 port column switching valve
WPS-3000TRS autosampler
- Inline split-loop injection
- 4-45℃ sample thermostatting
- 1ul minimum injection volume
SRD-3600 6 channel degaser
- Teflon AF Degasser membranes
- 12mL/min max flow per channel