Olympus FV300 Confocal Microscope
- Digital Resolution: 256x 256 to 2048x2048. Standard acquisition is 1024 x 1024
- Grey scale: 0-4095
- 2 channels
- Z and time slices
- Olympus Fluoview FV300 with Fluoview 4.0 Software
- BX51 Microscope: Bx51TRF BX51 Stand, Trans/Fluorescence, trinoc observ tube
- FV-LTV-U Laser encl with video port
- Lasers: Argon (10 mW, force air cooled, blue 488nm), HeNe Green(1mW, 543nm) and HeNe Red (10mW 633 nm)
- FV300/500-Laser Combiner
- FV3-PSU Scan unit (FV-SU302): . with PCI/F Card,
- 2 galvanometer scanner mirrors, confocal aperatures 60,100,150,200 and 300 um, PMT detector
- FV-ZMAD Z-axis stepping motor, .05 um resolution
- HBO100W/2 Mercury Burner (8229)
- PC: P3-1Ghz, 512MB Ram, Viewsonic 22" Monitor
- FVX-UVT-BX Antivibration Platform
- 100x UPLFL Plan FL NA 1.3, WD .1 (UB535R)
- 60x PlanApo NA 1.4 oil
- 40 x UPlanFl NA 0.75
- FV-LHARB: Argon laser head (10 mw 488nm)
- FV-LPAR: Ar Power Supply
- FV-LHHEG: Green HeNe laser head 05-lgp-193
- FV-LHHER: Red HeNe laser head 05-lhp-991
- FV-LPHE: HeNe laser power supply
Filter Cubes:
- WB:Excitation: U-M640, wide blue, 450-480, Long barrier pass BA515
- NG: Excitation: U-M663, narrow green 530-550, Long barrier pass BA590
- NU: Excitation: 360-370, Long barrier pass BA420
- FV-605BP: 575-630NM Bandpass Emission
- FV-660LP: 660nm Long pass Emission
- FV-530BP: FVX-BA 510-530 Band pass emission