Accident Investigation
Health & Safety Procedure: Accident Investigation Procedure
To establish Lakehead University's procedures and guidelines concerning incident and injury investigation and reporting. All members of the university community are equally responsible for complying with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulation.
This procedure applies to all members of the university community (faculty, staff, students and visitors) at any on- or off-campus location during a University sanctioned activity.
- Injury
Injury is the unintentional or intentional damage to the body resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical hazards. - Accident
A sudden and unforeseen event which caused a) an injury to a member of the University community while carrying out a University sanctioned activity or b) material damage to University property. - Incident
Event or circumstance that has the potential to cause serious physical or psychological injury, unexpected death, or significant property damage, but did not actualize due to chance, corrective action and/or timely intervention.
Applicable Legislation and Standards:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Reg 851 and 834.
Lakehead University is committed to the investigation of all injuries/incidents and reporting of any required information to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the Ontario Ministry of Labour, when mandatory.
- The Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety may investigate any injury or incident occurring on University premises, or during University sanctioned activities.
- The appropriate Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee may investigate any injury or incident occurring on University premises, or during University sanctioned activities as needed or required by law.
- Accident/Injury Investigation training is arranged through the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety.
Injury/Incident (NON-CRITICAL)
All injuries, serious incidents or occupational diseases involving employees, faculty, students, contract workers, volunteers or visitors must be reported by the individual(s) involved, immediately.
- Should the employee require medical attention, contact 8911, if critical. The Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety may coordinate investigation of the incident.
- In the event of an non-critical occupational injury or incident, the injured party will report the incident immediately to their Supervisor, Health and Safety Representative, Human Resources and a member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (if needed).
- The Supervisor will investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident with the injured worker. The Supervisor will complete the Employee Accident report or Incident report form and forward a copy to the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety within 24 hours of the incident.
- During regular hours of operation, reports shall be made to the Office of Human Resources, UC0003, 343-8671, or 343-8022, or 343-8806.
- After hours reports will be made to Security Services, 343-8569.
Supervisors shall include the following points in the incident report:
- Date and hour of injury and reporting;
- Reasons for any delay in reporting;
- Cause of the injury – describing the incident and the circumstances surrounding the onset of pain;
- What the worker was doing at the time of injury/incident, and what level of physical effort was involved;
- Description of the equipment or materials involved;
- What part of the body was involved;
- Whether the pain was a gradual or sudden onset;
- Where the incident occurred (using drawings or maps if needed);
- Any conditions that may have contributed to the incident;
- What steps have been or will be taken to prevent the recurrence of the incident (training, repair of equipment/conditions) and the status of the action;
- Statements from any witnesses;
- Any pre-existing conditions which may have contributed to the incident.
- The names of departments, services and persons to which the recommendations have been sent.
- Picture evidence may be attached (a digital camera is available from the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety or Security).
Once completed, the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety will ensure that copies of the report are made available to the following:
- Supervisor or Department Head;
- Department Safety Officer;
- Appropriate Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
- Reporting shall be done using the appropriate injury/incident form. Submission of this form may not be delayed for lack of information or signatures.
- Copies of the University's Injury/Incident and Accident reporting forms are available from the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety, 343-8022.
- Employees shall maintain communication with their supervisors post-injury and shall report changes in their return to work status or condition in accordance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
External Reporting (CRITICAL INJURY)
Under some circumstances, external reporting is required in addition to internal reporting. All external reporting procedures will be handled by the Office of Human Resources and/or Security Services. Such investigations will be carried out following strict protocols as prescribed by Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
Immediate notification of the Office of Human Resources and/or Security Services, by telephone, is required in the following cases:
1. Critical Injuries (or suspected critical injuries), defined by law as:
- Places life in jeopardy;
- Produces unconsciousness;
- Results in a substantial loss of blood;
- Involves the fracture of a leg or arm;
- Involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot;
- Consists of burns to a major portion of the body;
- Causes loss of sight in an eye.
2. Injury of an employee with a probable loss time of greater than 10 consecutive working days.
3. Injury to several employees with probable loss time.
4. Material damage of $50,000 or more.
The scene of all serious injuries shall remain unchanged until directed by the Health and Safety Officer, except in the purpose of:
- Saving life, or relieving human suffering;
- Maintaining an essential public utility service or public transportation system; or
- Preventing unnecessary damage to equipment or other property.
- Security Services will secure the scene of the accident to ensure that it remains unaltered. All work activity in accident scene will cease until notice from the Health and Safety Officer (under direction from a Ministry of Labour Inspector).
- The Health and Safety Officer will notify the Director of Human Resources, Vice-President(s), Chairs of the appropriate Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, and the applicable Union or Association Representative. The Director of Human Resources will notify the next of kin.
- The investigation (information gathering only) of the incident will begin immediately. The scene of the accident will remain sealed until direction has been issued by the Ministry of Labour Investigator.
- All communications regarding the incident will be handled by the Office of Communications.
Transportation of Ill/Injured Employees and Students:
In order to address issues f liability and under-staffing, transportation of an ill/injured worker (or student) who does not require the services of an ambulance will be provided with taxi transportation to a hospital, medical clinic or physician's office. Lakehead University Taxi Payment Slips can be obtained from the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety (x8022), Security Services (x8569) or Health and Counseling (x8361).
These procedures will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the Office of Human Resources – Health and Safety in conjunction with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.