CUDO 2018: Section K - Other Useful Information

K1 - Academic Plans 

The following is a link to the University's Academic Plans:

Lakehead University Academic Plan

Note:  For more information on Lakehead University's Strategic Plans:

Lakehead University Strategic Plan

Source:  Individual Institutions 

K2 - Key Performance Indicators, Employment Rate of 2014 Graduates in Undergraduate Programs 

ProgramEmployment Rate (2 years)Employment Rate (6 months)
Agriculture & Biological Science92.31%95.83%
Business & Commerce96.97%95.52%
Computer Science100.00%100.00%
Fine & Applied Arts92.31%93.33%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ.91.67%90.91%
Other Arts & Science90.77%85.71%
Physical Science100.00%100.00%
Social Science95.16%91.28%

Employment Rates: The employment rate is defined as the number of employed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force where the labour force is those persons who were employed, or unemployed but looking for work. To determine employment rates of recent graduates, Ontario universities conducted a survey of all 2014 graduates of undergraduate degree programs. Graduates were asked questions regarding their employment situation six months and two years after graduation.

Source: MAESD and Institutions 


K2A  - Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, Fall 2008, New Year 1 Students 

ProgramGraduation Rate
Agriculture & Biological Science74.2%
Business & Commerce71.8%
Computer Science70.6%
Fine & Applied Arts57.1%
Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ.73.9%
Other Arts & Science70.6%
Physical Science57.1%
Social Science63.3%
Overall Average77.8%

Graduation Rates: The MAESD has calculated graduation rates using a single entering cohort of students and determining whether or not they graduated within seven years. The methodology employed involves the selection of all new full-time, Year One undergraduate students on the official Fall 2008 enrolment file, who have a valid (and unique) student ID number, and were seeking either a bachelors or first professional degree. The subset was then matched against the records for students who received a degree (in any program) from the same institution during the most current seven year period (2008 to 2015).

Source: MAESD and Institutions


K2A2 - Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, New Year 1 Students 

TypeNumber of Students
New full-time year one undergraduate students enrolled in fall 20081,707
Students reported above who graduate by 20151,328

Source: MAESD and Institutions


K3 - Retention Rates, 2016

YearRetention Rate
Year 1 to Year 283.2%

Retention Rate:  The percentage of first-time, full-time first year students in a given fall term who returned to the institution in the next fall term.

Source:  Institutional CSRDE submission  


Visit the Council of Ontario Universities for similar information on other Ontario universities.