Retail and Physical Support Services

Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Time: 9:12 a.m.


Present: Steve Girvin, Ursula MacDonald, Brenda Rojik, Stan Nemec, Darren Carlin


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Brian Cox, Fred Plank, Rob McCluskey, Mike Davis


OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.


            B.  April 21, 2016 - A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.  Steve has engaged an expert in this field to come to a safety meeting with the mechanical crew to review any options which maybe suggested.

            Jan.19, 2017 – Fred will look into the cost of repeaters

            March 16, 2017 - The two way radio fill repeaters are still ongoing, I have approached one of my vendors and they have responded with pricing and a solution, still waiting for 2nd vendor to reply. This has been a bit of a slow process overall.


            C The 2017 Annual Asbestos audit has begun.  Shanon is working on a list of priorities for removal of asbestos from the 2016 audit.


            D.  Work on CASES has started.  Some of the work will be invasive at certain times including a trench through LOT 14 to connect the water, sewers and electrical.

            June 15, 2017 – Another trench will be dug later in the summer.  The University will have have to ensure that proper and secured fencing is put in place, especially with the arrival of students in the fall.


E. UCB 0001 – the area is very dusty and the employees who were working there reported burning eyes, itchy skin.  It is probably fiber glass.  True Grit has been retained to complete testing. Once the results are in a remediation plan will be undertaken.


F.  Darren spoke about a letter of understanding for the IUOE about coming to work when the University is closed.  Steve explained that the Mechanical department will have a meeting to discuss.





Injury Report;


  1. Maintenance employee – Employee was accessing a pipe leak over an air handling unit. He lost his balance and his arm contacted a steam pipe, he sustained burns to his elbow.


Near Misses:




Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Braun Building/School of Nursing building – Steve & Fred



New Business:


  1.  There is a meeting set up for Thursday, June 29, 2017 with Physical Plant, Security and Health and Safety to discuss and hence develop a procedure for responding to natural gas call outs.


  1.  Ursula distributed hard copies of the Lakehead University’s Health and Safety policy for all to review and advise if they wish to suggest any changes.  Ursula requested that any comments should be forwarded to her by July 14, 2017.  Ursula will email electronic copies to the entire committee as well.



Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

Retail and Physical Support Services

Thursday, May 18, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Time: 9:06 a.m.


Present: Steve Girvin, Fred Plank, Rob McCluskey, Darren Carlin, Ursula MacDonald, Brenda Rojik, Mike Davis


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Stan Nemec, Brian Cox


OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.


            B.  April 21, 2016 - A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.  Steve has engaged an expert in this field to come to a safety meeting with the mechanical crew to review any options which maybe suggested.

            Jan.19, 2017 – Fred will look into the cost of repeaters

            March 16, 2017 - The two way radio fill repeaters are still ongoing, I have approached one of my vendors and they have responded with pricing and a solution, still waiting for 2nd vendor to reply. This has been a bit of a slow process overall.


            C Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)

            July 21, 2016 update- the 2016 audit is on underway, the physical examination of the             campus has begun. The audit is now in its final stages and should be complete by             Dec.2016

            March 16, 2017 - the Audit is complete and Shanon is working on list of priorities


            D. . .  There is a bit of a problem with the new paving job at Shipping and Receiving. Steve will notify Diane MP.



E.  Work on CASES has started.  Some of the work will be invasive at certain times including a trench through LOT 14 to connect the water, sewers and electrical.






Injury Report;


1. Maintenance employee – Employee working in crawl space hit his head and cut to of the



2.  Grounds employee – Employee broke arm slipping on ice outside the skating rink


Near Misses:


  1. Print shop –the automatic door opener was not working, the employee pushed the door with her shoulder and hurt her shoulder (First Aid only.)



  1. Security – two Security guards responded to an odour incident in CB. The one Security guard was in the area for 30 minutes when he began feeling light headed and experienced burning sensations in his eyes.  The second guard experienced similar symptoms immediately.  Both guards recovered once they left the area.  The odour was linked to a mechanical malfunction.



Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Braun Building/School of Nursing building – Steve & Fred



New Business:


  1.  UCB 0001 – the area is very dusty and the employees who were working there reported burning eyes, itchy skin.  It is probably fiber glass.  True Grit has been retained to complete testing. Once the results are in a remediation plan will be undertaken.


  1.  Fred advised that at least 30 more Security cameras have been added to the Library.


  1. Darren spoke about a letter of understanding for the IUOE about coming to work when the University is closed.  Steve explained that the Mechanical department will have a meeting to discuss.



Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

Labs and Studios

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147

Present: S. Girvin, T. Alderson, J. Sylvestre, C. Surette, A. Diochon, E. Searle, T. Moore, M. Moore, J. Joncas

1.0   Agenda : Add 6.2 IRC, 4.2 Chem Eng Incident

2.0   Review of Minutes : Accepted

3.0   Inspection Report:

3.1  Chemistry

  •        damaged cord ends, electrical cords need relocating, unlabeled waste, food and drink in lab, unchained cylinders, electrical panel obstructed,  unlabelled bottles, exit lights out, corroded fumehood ducts.
  •        One space had unsafe electrical setup and cluttered – Dean of SES involved independently of the committee.  This space has had issues previously.

3.2   BAF - deferred

3.3   Civil Engineering – Incompatible chemical storage, missing ceiling panels

4.0   Injury Report : No injuries

4.1   Civil Engineering Structure Lab Incident

  •      After-hours work, door left open, cords running out of room, and equipment running while room unattended.
  •     One student intoxicated, also smoking in the hallway.
  •     Security fined the individual
  •     Dean of Engineering involved


4.2   Chemical Engineering Incident

  •          Natural gas smell reported in CB
  •          Evacuation started
  •          Investigation found graduate students decanting a large drum of sludge on a pallet into a pail resting on a rolling chair
  •          PPE was not adequate
  •          Sludge spilled, but no spill kit was available
  •          Drum pump was nearby but not used.
  •          Location of drum was authorized for storage only, not dispensing or manipulating.
  •          Chair of Civil Engineering involved in discussions.
  •          Issue will be raised with Biosafety Committee as well.


4.3   Chemistry Incident

  •        Graduate students required to attend lab during ice storm and university closure
  •        Dean of SES will discuss the matter with the supervisor.


4.4   Anthropology

  •          Near miss at Big Thunder Ski Hill (storage facility)
  •          Gate collapsed on worker upon opening
  •          No injuries sustained
  •          Reported to security


5.0   Old Business:

5.1   CB Sinks

5.1.1         LUEL sink installation in progress

 5.2   ErPortal Training

  •          Two monthly training sessions so far
  •          More to follow


6.0   New Business:

6.1   Review Lab Safety Operating Procedures - Deferred

6.2   IRC

6.2.1       Graduate Student Association (GSA) raised issues with IRC members    None of the issues raised were submitted to Health & Safety or Security

6.2.2         Students required to work after hours RESPONSE: Working after hours, students should use the Keep In Touch program with security, and only work on authorized after-hours experiments, following a discussion with their supervisor.

6.2.3         Students not offered first aid training     RESPONSE: Designated first aiders for  work areas, Security are first aid responders after hours.

6.2.4         NOSM students have panic button, why not LU students RESPONSE: Phone protocols are in place and are sufficient.

6.2.5       Claim told not to label biohazards, and not to wear PPE in public since it makes administration nervous.    RESPONSE: Materials are to be labelled    RESPONSE: PPE is to be removed before leaving lab.

6.2.6       The committee discussed issues regarding Graduate Students, and the unique pressures and hazards associated with the balance between supervisor requests, the need to graduate, the perceived lack of reporting support, and the need to work safer.

6.2.7       CUPE is also explaining concern reporting for non-GA work.

6.2.8       There has been an issue getting a complete list of Graduate Students from the Office of Graduate Studies.  Health & Safety only has access to graduate students with a Graduate Assistantship.

6.2.9         COMMITTEE SUGGESTIONS     Contact Graduate Studies and all Deans to remind them that anyone working in research space needs training.     Request lists of students from Graduate Coordinators, regardless of Graduate Assistantship status     Ask CUPE and GSA to help fill in any gaps in lists from their membership Contact Lakehead International to see if we can work together and ensure that International Graduate Students receive the training they need.

7.0   Other Business: None


8.0   Adjournment:  10:10 AM

Offices and Classrooms

Friday, March 24, 2017 - 10:00am

Start: 10:35 a.m.

Human Resources Meeting room



Employee Members                                                                   Management Members

Cindy Haggerty (COPE)                                                      Leslie Malcolm, Director (CEDL)

Shanon Arnold (Schedule II)                                                                     

Dr. Wa Gao (LUFA)

Laura Rovere (Schedule II)



Sue Viitala (Schedule II)


Ursula MacDonald (Ex-Officio member)


1.         Outstanding Business


A)  The Annual Asbestos Removal list is complete.  This year it is based on the 2015 and 2016 audits.


B) Wellness Fair had more students than staff attend.  More advertising is required next year.


C)  All dust and air samples have been taken; and report received.  All results are within normal, acceptable limits.


Sept. 29/16: Ursula advised that Physical Plant will begin testing dust for asbestos content in CB, UC and Ryan Building.  As part of the review undertaken by Pinchin the University will test various locations for asbestos content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from each JHSC to volunteer to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.  Pinchin has recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. Members interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.


2.   Inspections

Completed inspections: part of BB and TSC rooms in AT.

  • Next inspections need to be scheduled for: 
  • Residence Offices, Ryan Building, remainder of Braun Building,
  • Greenhouse, PACI, Nursing Building, Lot 5 Research
  • Library, Field/Hangar


3.  Injury and Accident Reports


  • Dec.: none
  • Jan.: one slip
  • Feb.: none
  • March: 2 slipped: 1 broken wrist, 1 sprained wrist



Ergonomic Assessments; 


There have been 30 ergonomic assessments completed to date.


4.   New Business/Open Discussion


OH&S training: May 9th & 10th






Next meeting: Date to be determined (Friday)

                            Time:  10:00 a.m. in HR meeting room

                            Human Resources Meeting Room



RPSS Minutes

Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 9:15am

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:07 a.m.


Present: Steve Girvin, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank, Brian Cox, Rob McCluskey, Darren Carlin, Ursula MacDonald,


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs, Brenda Rojik, Mike Davis


OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.


            B.  April 21, 2016 - A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.  Steve has engaged an expert in this field to come to a safety meeting with the mechanical crew to review any options which maybe suggested.

            Jan.19, 2017 – Fred will look into the cost of repeaters

            March 16, 2017 - The two way radio fill repeaters are still ongoing, I have approached one of my vendors and they have responded with pricing and a their solution, still waiting for 2nd vendor to reply.This has been a bit of a slow process overall.


            C Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)

            July 21, 2016 update- the 2016 audit is on underway, the physical examination of the             campus has begun. The audit is now in its final stages and should be complete by             Dec.2016

            March 16,2017  - the Audit is complete and Shanon is working on list of priorities


            D.  The Asbestos Management program at Lakehead University is under review. An             external consultant has been hired.  The consultant has visited the campus and will write             his report based on information gathered.  This review was initiated by the Office of the             President and as such it will be shared with the Senate and all other parties involved.  The             consultant hired to undertake this work is Pinchin Environmental.  April 21 – Steve             advised that the report is completed and it is with Sr. management for a review.



E.   Hugh spoke about taking dust samples to test for asbestos content in CB, UC and RB.

As part of review undertaken by Pinchen the University will test various locations for asbestos

content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from       each JHSC committee to volunteer

to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.

Pinchn has on recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. Members

interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.

July 21, 2016 update – all Committees have now selected members who will be part of this

sub-Committee and Hugh will schedule a meeting of this group very soon.

Oct. 27, 2016 – the Committee had met 3 times and the selection process is almost finalized,

the only building to complete the selection for is CB. 

Jan.19, 2017 – Selection is now completed

March 16, 2017 – the report on the 28 air and 71 dust samples, (for suspect ACM) locations chosen by the JH&S committee is complete. Please note that asbestos was not found, except for 3 locations; and those quantities were below acceptable background concentrations in out & indoor air, as stated in the Ontario Royal Commission on Matters of Health and Safety arising from the Use of Asbestos in Ontario.  Anyone wishing to view report contact Shanon A or Ursula MacDonald.



Injury Report;


1. Maintenance employee – Employee working in crawl space hit his head and cut to of the



2.  Grounds employee – Employee broke arm slipping on ice outside the skating rink


Near Misses:


1. Security –slipped and fell on a patch of ice.  Employee injured both elbows, left wrist and

jarred back and neck.


2.  Hskp.Employee Res– fall in parking lot, injured left knee, bruised and swollen, 4 small cuts


3.  Residence Employee – office employee slipped and fell on ice attempting to speak to

Security who were responding to another incident in this location.


4.  Hskp. Residence – employee lifting a shampooing machine from a truck while the employee

was lifting it, he felt severe pain in his front shoulder/arm pit area


5. Security – employee was walking from vehicle when she slipped on ice, experiencing sore

 neck and hip



Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Braun Building/School of Nursing building – Steve & Fred




New Business:


1.  The new member of the Committee representing IUOE is Darren Carlin.


2.  There is a bit of a problem with the new paving job at Shipping and Receiving. Steve will

notify Diane MP.


3. Hillary Chesterman is the alternate member for the Committee representing Security.


4.  Work on CASES has started.  Some of the work will be invasive at certain times including a

 trench through LOT 14 to connect the water, sewers and electrical.


5.  There are chemicals in the Fieldhouse blocking access to electrical panels. Steve will speak

 with Tiffany.





Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, April 20, 2017 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at

9:00 a.m.



RPSS Minutes - January 19 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 4:15pm

Place: Avila- Physical Plant meeting room

Time: 9:10 a.m.


Present: Ursula MacDonald, Steve Girvin, Stan Nemec, Fred Plank, Brian Cox, Rob McCluskey, Brenda Rojik, Mike Davis


Regrets:  Hugh Briggs,


OLD Business:


            A.  Steve reported that the floor in the Power house is breaking.  There are no vehicles allowed inside. The area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. Jan.21, 2016 Steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  This item has now been rolled into a co-generation project, if the project goes ahead.


            B.  April 21, 2016 - A discussion was held and Fred advised that the issue with the radios will continue in certain areas.  The radio system is older and it will require a significant amount of money to purchases a new system.  Steve advised that many of his staff have started carrying cell phones.  Steve will speak with Hugh to develop a communications strategy, perhaps the way to deal with this issue are cell phones.  Steve has engaged an expert in this field to come to a safety meeting with the mechanical crew to review any options which maybe suggested.

            Jan.19, 2017 – Fred will look into the cost of repeaters


            C Hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next month or so.  This list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  Any work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (May 01, 2016.)

            July 21, 2016 update- the 2016 audit is on underway, the physical examination of the             campus has begun. The audit is now in its final stages and should be complete by             Dec.2016


            D.  The Asbestos Management program at Lakehead University is under review. An             external consultant has been hired.  The consultant has visited the campus and will write             his report based on information gathered.  This review was initiated by the Office of the             President and as such it will be shared with the Senate and all other parties involved.  The             consultant hired to undertake this work is Pinchin Environmental.  April 21 – Steve             advised that the report is completed and it is with Sr. management for a review.


            E.   Rob has been tasked with requesting IUOE to elect another member for the JHSC

            committee now that Matt has left the University.





F.   Hugh spoke about taking dust samples to test for asbestos content in CB, UC and RB.

As part of review undertaken by Pinchen the University will test various locations for asbestos

content in settled dust.  Hugh would like 2 members from       each JHSC committee to volunteer

to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.

Pinchn has on recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. Members

interested in being on the sub-committee please contact Ursula.

July 21, 2016 update – all Committees have now selected members who will be part of this

sub-Committee and Hugh will schedule a meeting of this group very soon.

Oct. 27, 2016 – the Committee had met 3 times and the selection process is almost finalized,

the only building to complete the selection for is CB. 

Jan.19, 2017 – Selection is now completed


G.  Mike Davis brought up the following issue. Last October 2015 Security had requested the

Director of Security and the VP Administration and Finance for body armour. The Director of

Security has responded that the decision rests with the AVP of Human Resources and VP

Admin and Finance.  To date no answer has been given to the Security staff.  Security is

requesting soft body armour under the auspice of safety for the officers.


H.  TSC employee raised concerns about notification to employees if asbestos removal work is

being conducted in a building.  Ursula will speak to Shanon Arnold.

Jan.19, 2017 – The issue has been resolved. The procedure was explained to the concerned

worker and LU has been following providing proper notification.


I.  Mid November Ministry of Labour visited the Office of Human Resources on an anonymous

complaint from Security Services in regards to request by Security staff for soft body armour.  In

this cases it is not MOL’s jurisdiction to ascertain if the Security department needs this specific

PPE.  The MOL advised the Chairs of the JHSC to follow the legislation as it pertains to

identifying situations that may be give rise to health and safety concerns.  Mike Davis (worker

chair) and Stan Nemec (management chair) issued a letter and a recommendation to

Management (please see attached.)  Management has 21 days as per legislation to respond.



Injury Report;


1. Caretaker – injured wrist when shoveling/removing snow.  Employee has been placed on

modified duties.


Near Misses:


1. Caretaker – injured thumb when changing toilet paper and the toilet paper metal bar sprang

back and pushed the thumb backwards.


2.  Bookstore employee – twisted ankle slipping on wet floor left from students’ boots



Inspections Outstanding;

  • University Centre (Rob & Mike)
  • Residence (Brian & Ursula & hskp employee on days)
  • Braun Building/School of Nursing building – Steve & Fred



New Business:


1.  On Feb.15, 2017 the Offices & Classrooms JHSC is scheduling an “Employee Health and

Wellness Fair.”  There will be many exhibitors gearing toward leading a healthy and good life. 

Please come out and visit the booths in the Agora from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


2.  There is a bit of a problem with the new paving job at Shipping and Receiving. Steve will

notify Diane MP.


3.  Fred advised that several new cameras have been installed in various locations on campus.


4. Fred asked about panic buttons for TSC desk.  Mike Davis explained to Fred that TSC should

contact Security about it.


5.  Hillary Chesterman is the alternate member for the Committee representing Security.


Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


NEXT MEETING:    Thursday, Feb. 16, 2016 in Avila – Physical Plant meeting room at

9:00 a.m.


Labs and Studios Minutes - March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - 9:00am
AC 147


Meeting Minutes


TIME Commenced: 9:04 AM


1.0         Agenda: Add 4.2 Geology incident


2.0         Review of Minutes January 25, 2017: Accepted


3.0         Inspection Reports – Schedule April 5: Discussed and accepted


4.0 Injury Report –

Chemical Engineering Incident: Hotplate left on over the weekend and something melted to the top.  Committee suggested that supervisor ask for weekly reports detailing what experiments each member completes daily for the past seven days to be used as a reference in case of equipment damage.


Geology – Undergrad student was found boiling 30% hydrogen peroxide on the benchtop.  PPE was not worn, MSDS not provided, chemicals provided by another faculty member.  Supervisor was not in town and had not authorized experiments.  Student had not received new hire orientation.  Tiffany to follow up with Geology.


5.1      Yearly Stats: Report and graph were reviewed.


5.2     Terms of Reference Review: Some minor changes.  Tiffany to complete revisions.


5.3     WHMIS policy, one minor typo.  H&S policy, no changes needed.


5.4     CB sinks.  Water is back on for CB 2021, but sink is still leaking.  CB 0038.  Plant has a solution and is working on getting sink and hot water installed to the lab.  CB 1016 reported as being rotten out as well.


6.1     ErPortal Training – Two sessions delivered so far.  Next one is May 2 10-11 am AT 3003.


6.2     WHMIS Position – funding was not awarded for this position.  Tiffany will be scheduling a WHMIS information session in early May to go over the changes required for compliance.


7.0     Adjournment at 9:59 AM. Next meeting: May 17, 2017.


In attendance:


  • Tiffany Moore
  • Eric Searle
  • Michael Moore
  • Clarence Surette
  • Jarrett Sylvestre
  • Johane Joncas
  • Mike Sorokopud
  • Amanda Diochon
  • Baoqiang Liao
  • Wa Gao
  • Kailash Bhatia

Labs and Studios Minutes – November 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016 - 9:00am

Present:           T. Moore, A. Diochon, J. Sylvestre, W. Gao, B. Adhikari, C. Surette, M. Sorokopud, S. Girvin. T. Alderson

TIME Commenced:     9:04 AM

1.0   Agenda : Approved

2.0   Review of Minutes : Accepted September 23, 2016 minutes with date correction.     

3.0   Inspection Report:

3.1   NRM

3.2   Anthropology

3.3   Civil Engineering

3.4   Chemical Engineering

“A” and “B” coded hazards from this year’s inspections were tabulated and distributed to members to follow up on.  Most items have been addressed.

4.0   Incident Report :

4.1   Chemical Engineering – Oven that caught fire when heating samples earlier in the year caught fire again.  Oven has been taken out of service.  Committee suggested a new method of heating these samples, such as water bath with a reflux condenser in a fume hood.  T. Moore to communicate to Supervisor.

4.2   CB loading zone – Gas delivery person was concerned that propane is being stored in the zone with oxygen, with is against Federal regulations.  Additionally, there are many multiple tanks with the same contents that have been in the zone for some time.  Better control in the ordering process and delivery notification is needed.

4.3   Biology – A lightbox was constructed with wiring that would not pass code.  C. Surette has some suggestions to set-up a light box easily.  He will contact the technician responsible to provide some advice.

4.4   Greenhouse – CO2 generators were found to be a potential risk of fire.  Plant has taken one out of service and started repairs on all units.

5.0   Old Business:

5.1   Asbestos Committee

5.1.1         Have had a couple meetings.  Room locations for testing have been determined, HVAC test locations have yet to be determined and schedule for sampling is outstanding.

5.2   Field work Safety Committee

5.2.1          Committee met earlier this month with a greater cross-section of stakeholders.  Draft policy, training documents and risk assessment forms were reviewed.  Plan for the field safety program will be approval of these documents, creation of a template field safety guidelines (with input from member departments), training for stakeholder departments on risk assessment forms and creating their own specific field safety document to be used as a training materials (as well as due diligence).

6.0   New Business:

6.1   WHMIS 2015 Transition

The time is approaching to start the transition to the new WHMIS which will require everyone to begin using the inventory system, and re-labelling any old materials they are keeping.  T. Moore developing a presentation to outline changes and introduce ErPortal to departments to assist in meeting the December 1, 2018 deadline.  A new ErPortal training manual is under development which will hopefully be more user friendly.

7.0    Other business

7.1   Laboratory Security

Several members have been noticing labs unlocked in the morning, with some items missing.

  • T. Moore to talk to Plant Supervisor and ask all housekeeping staff to be reminded that doors must be closed and locked after they have accessed the lab.
  • Department Chairs to remind all department members (including graduate students) to ensure that they secure doors and report any suspicious circumstances or missing items promptly.
  • T. Moore to request that Security officers on night patrol check doors more frequently.

 8.0   Adjournment:  10:03 AM

Labs and Studios Minutes – December 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016 - 9:00am

Present:           E. Searle, M. Moore, T. Moore, C. Surette, J. Joncas, M. Sorokopud, T. Alderson, K. Bhatia, W. Gao, B. Liao, A. Diochon

TIME Commenced:     9:02 AM

1.0   Agenda : Add 6.1 CB Loading Zone, Add 6.2 Floor Damage Repair Process/Cost

2.0   Review of Minutes : Accepted (C. Surette/ A. Diochon)

3.0   Inspection Report:

3.1   Mechanical Engineering Followup – Eyewash Tag required

3.2   Psychology – Pinch point for BB1067 door handle

3.3   Nursing – Panel partially obstructed, cleared at inspection

3.4   Student Health & Counselling – Multiple Fire Extinguishers status should be checked

4.0   Injury Report : No injuries

4.1   Incident – helium  cylinder removed from Chem Eng.

5.0   Old Business:

5.1   WHMIS 2015 Transition – T. Moore is talking to individual Departments

5.1.1         Transition to be completed before December 2018

5.1.2         Most suppliers shipping with GHS labels and SDS

5.1.3       Until all previous WHMIS labels are replaced, each lab will need to complete both WHMIS and WHMIS 2015 training.

5.1.4       Committee discussion – hire someone on contract to help with the transition in various labs?

5.2    ErPortal

5.2.1         Monthly training session coming soon.

6.0   New Business:

6.1   Lab Security – Discussion of doors found unlocked and some materials missing or vandalized.

6.2   Cost of Floor Repairs – Mechanical Engineering

6.2.1       Replacement involves complete removal of machinery, floor, subfloor, and a repour of concrete

6.2.2       The project falls outside of Physical Plant Discretionary funds

6.2.3       VP Administration and Finance has the authority for funding and has been approached.

6.3   Mobile Safety App

6.3.1         Contains information found in flip chart and more

6.3.2         Will only push notifications if:    Lockdown    Evacuation     

7.0   Other Business: None

8.0   Adjournment:  9:45 AM

Labs and Studios Minutes – January 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017 - 2:00pm


  • Tiffany Moore
  • Eric Searle
  • Michael Moore
  • Clarence Surette
  • Jarrett Sylvestre
  • Johane Joncas
  • Mike Sorokopud
  • Amanda Diochon
  • Steve Girvin
  • Tricia Alderson


TIME Commenced: 9:04 AM

1.0         Agenda: Add 6.5 Water Usage, and 6.6 Helium Cylinders

2.0         Review of Minutes December 9, 2016: Accepted

3.0         Inspection Reports – Schedule February 1: Discussed and accepted     

4.0 Injury Report – Chemical Engineering Incident: Incorrect disposal of                chemicals resulted in a chemical odor in the room/building. Students will be retrained according to the new hire orientation plan.

Lab-coat safety discussed, committee suggests multi-space labs either dedicate “visitor” coats, or provide “transfer coats” which would be a different colour to be easily identified.

5.1      WHMIS 2015 Transition: Application will be submitted. Results will depend on department participation and funding.

6.1     Yearly Stats: 2017 training statistics discussed. Discussed Accident Database that was created in 2017.  Database will allow the committee to track trends etc.  To be demonstrated at March meeting.

6.2     Terms of Reference Review: discussed with a focus on committee size and meeting frequency. Tiffany to circulate track changes as discussed for review/approval.

6.3     Elections: held. Tiffany Moore to remain Co-Chair and Mike Sorokopud to co-chair every second meeting.

6.4     Policies to Review in 2017: Discussed. Will review 2 policies a month.

6.5     Discussed. Improper use of eye-wash stations, due to sub-standard labs lacking sinks to clean equipment in.  Steve and Tiffany to investigate.

6.6     Helium Gas cylinders: Discussed. Cylinders are being stored insecurely and some cylinders are being stolen or misplaced as a result.  This issue seems to be better recently.  No actions to be taken at this time.

7.0     Adjournment at 9:59 AM. Next meeting: March 15, 2017.

Next Meeting:             Wednesday March 15, 9:00 am  AC 147
