Medical Emergency Preparedness

First Aid and CPR Training:

  • First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) courses are arranged through the Office of Human Resources.
  • Recertification courses are also available through the Office of Human Resources.
  • Contact Human Resources, extension 8671, for more information.
  • Check the City of Thunder Bay publication, "The Key", for community first aid and CPR opportunities.

First Aid Kits:

  • First aid kits should be accessible to all personnel. To obtain a kit for your area contact the Office of Human Resources, 8671.
  • Know the location of the closest first aid kit.
  • Contents are refilled at no charge by contacting the Office of Human Resources, 8671.

Designated First Aiders:

  • Designated first aiders (DFA) are employees who have volunteered to act as first aiders.
  • DFAs provide first aid to students, employees or members of the public who are injured in the vicinity of their first aid station.
  • DFAs are not necessarily "department-specific", rather they may serve an area — generally a floor of a building or a section of a floor.
  • Standard first aid training and first aid kits are provided to the DFAs at no charge.
  • The size of the first aid kit is determined by the average number of people served in the DFAs area.
  • DFA vacancies do arise from time to time. Individuals wishing to become DFAs should check with Human Resources (343-8671) for further information on DFA vacancies.

We provide emergency procedure, plans or public safety information in accessible format upon request.