OSAP Reviews & Appeals
Reviews and appeals are important as they allow you to maximize the amount of funding available from OSAP.
We recognize your personal situation is dynamic. That is why the OSAP program has been designed to recognize the potential for variation and change.
To do this, OSAP permits a limited number of situations and exceptional expenses that may pertain to you, allowing you to submit an appeal and have your file reviewed. In many situations, you will be required to provide proof of your situation in the form of documentation. The documentation that we request is acceptable proof as outlined by the OSAP Review Manual.
If your situation falls into any of the following areas you may be considered for a review/appeal:
A family breakdown
Exceptional expenses for you or your parents (limited availability)
Your asset contributions
Your credit history
Parental income amounts
All appeals and supporting documentation must be submitted no later than 40 days before the end of study period.
If you are struggling financially as a result to a change in your situation, please visit Student Central to discuss your situation and determine whether a review should be requested and the process involved.