CUDO 2017: Section C - Transfer Admission from Other Postsecondary Institutions

C1 - Enrollment of Transfer Students 

Do you enrol transfer students in first entry undergraduate programs?Yes
If yes, may transfer students earn advanced standing credit by transferring credits earned from course work completed at other colleges/universities?Yes

For more information:

Lakehead University Admission Requirements & Application Details for University Transfer Students

Lakehead University Admission Requirements & Application Details for College Transfer Students

Lakehead University Transfer Credit General Information (Undergraduate programs)

Lakehead University Transfer Credit General Information (General Requirements for Admission to Degree Programs)

Lakehead University Transfer Credit General Information (Program Specific Requirements for Admission to Degree Programs)

Lakehead University College Transfer Pathways

Source: Individual Institutions


C2 - Transfer Students 

Number of students who applied and enrolled as degree-seeking transfer students in Fall 2016.

TypeApplicantsRegistered Applicants
Transfer Students691179

Note: Transfer students are those who attended another postsecondary institution.

Source: OUAC