Adjustment Challenges
This is an exciting time for your student. But, you will naturally wonder about how you son or daughter will adjust to this new adventure. A new school, new city, new friends and what about all of the other pressures such as academic and social? Will your student be safe, drink under age, get in some form of trouble, make new friends, get along with their roommate etc etc. All of this is natural.
The first six weeks are the most important in the success of a student in their first year. Going to class, getting assignments, having mid terms for most are all brand new experiences, and are scary for most. Even for the most outgoing and confident of students, this time can be overwhelming. It can be difficult for parents who are so far away to know what their son or daughter is going through and not try to fix every problem themselves. But helping a child through the tough times is far different than solving them. Guide your student, but let them solve the issues.
What you can do to help
- Listen to your child's anxieties, and express empathy for their situation
- Let him or her know that you sympathize with the difficulties of adjusting to university
- Tell your students that you believe in them and that you love them
What may not help
- Not listening to their concerns, and dominating the conversation
- Telling your student that they are being silly for feeling this way, and things will be just fine