Course Syllabi
In your offer of admission, you will receive a list of transfer credits you are eligible to receive, as well as a list of course syllabi required to complete your transfer credit assessment. In some instances, you may be asked to provide all course syllabi from your previous post-secondary institution. Do not submit course descriptions (i.e. a brief outline of the course [normally a paragraph] that is missing the following information):
The following information about your courses must be submitted at the time of application:
- Detailed course descriptions
- Course number and name (i.e. English 110.6)
- Number of hours of lecture and lab
- Number of credit units
- Name of sending institution
Upload your course syllabi to your myInfo account using the document upload feature found under the Applicant tab.
If you are transferring to Lakehead University under the terms of a college transfer pathway, you do not need to submit course syllabi.