Academic Support Access Program (ASAP)

Your goal of pursuing a post-secondary education matters to us. 

Should your academic background not reflect your true potential for success, the Academic Support Access Program (ASAP) acts as an entryway for students whose academic average falls slightly below the required admission average. This program provides you with the opportunity to pursue university studies, with access to enhanced resources to support a successful transition into your studies at Lakehead University. Supports include:

  • Individual academic advising sessions, with connection to resources and services;
  • Opportunity to participate in workshops and skill building sessions; and
  • Mentorship opportunities with upper year students.

Applicants are automatically considered for admission to the Academic Support Access Program (ASAP), subject to program eligibility. For more information, please contact

You Belong at Lakehead

Caris Madsen was accepted into Lakehead University's Science One program through the Academic Success Access Program (ASAP), and was later able to successfully transfer into the Biology program. She graduated with an HBSc, Biology with concentration Neuroscience in May of 2023 and has decided to further her education in the School of Nursing. It was through the ASAP program that she was able to gain the skills and confidence needed to be successful in university, and further pursue her education.