What To Do Over Reading Week- Orillia

If you are staying in Orillia over the break, take the opportunity to explore the community and all it has to offer. Check out the recommendations from Peer Wellness Educator Lead, Emma Goddard.

1. Family Day Fun at the Orillia Fairgrounds (http://www.orilliafairgroundsfarmersmarket.ca/events.html)
2. Go for a walk on any trails Copeland Forest, Grants Woods, Scout Valley, Hardwood Ski and Bike, Millennium Trail (https://www.orillialakecountry.ca/trails/) (https://www.orillia.ca/en/living-here/resources/Environmental_Services/Open-Trails-Map.pdf)
7. Family Day Skate at the Roller Skating Place (https://www.facebook.com/therollerskatingplace/)
8. Go shopping, support local (https://www.orillialakecountry.ca/shop/)
11. Worlds of the night at the Simcoe County Museum (https://museum.simcoe.ca/exhibits/orientation)
12. Tobogganing at Couchiching Golf Course (370 Peter St. N.), Clayt French Park (114 Atlantis Dr.), and Homewood Park (68 Woodside Dr.)
2 downhill skiers