(OR) Take10: Sleep Habits

Event Date: 
Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Orsi Family Learning Commons - Simcoe Hall
Event Contact Name: 
Sara Corcoran
Event Contact Phone: 
705-330-4010 ext 2116
Event Contact E-mail: 

Do you know your chronotype? Are you a Dolphin, Lion, Bear, or Wolf?

According to the Sleep Foundation our chronotype is the natural inclination of your body to sleep at a certain time, or what most people understand as being an early bird versus a night owl. In addition to regulating sleep and wake times, chronotype has an influence on appetite, exercise, and core body temperature. It is responsible for the fact that you feel more alert at certain periods of the day and sleepier at others.

As a university student it can be difficult to get enough sleep. It's important to prioritize rest and relaxation, as it can help you to stay focused and energized throughout the day. Stop by the Student Health and Wellness table located in the Simcoe Hall March 23rd between 1-3pm to uncover your chronotype, learn how to get a better nights rest, and grab some free sleep health supplies to support you in achieving a more restful sleep as you head off towards the end of the semester!

It can often be a challenge to take a minute to ourselves, so why not make self-care a habit and Take10.

#Take10 #Sleep #Chronotype
