Orillia Campus Student Life and Services
At Lakehead, we're here for you. We understand that university life is full of stress and struggle and we are proud to offer several services, supports, programs, and opportunities to promote your health and well-being.
The Office of Student Affairs provides leadership to the university in making its community of scholars one which is student-centred. Student Affairs staff work in collaboration with faculty and colleagues to foster a community of students who are able to demonstrate leadership, independent critical thinking, as well as social and environmental responsibility.
Student Affairs is structured to recognize the needs of and provide supports and programs to, students across both campuses as well as those learning at-a-distance in other communities.
To connect with Orillia Student Affairs, please review the services below for more information, and if you have any questions please contact us at 705-330-4010 ext. 2106 or studentaffairs.orillia@lakeheadu.ca.