About Our Residence Life Staff Hiring


Positions Available: 

  • Resident Assistant Residence Halls 
  • Resident Assistant Apartment/Townhouse 
  • House President Residence Halls 
  • House President Apartment/Townhouse
  • Media Coordinator 
  • Sports Coordinator 

In addition to the Residence Life Staff application, candidates are also required to register to live in Residence once housing registration opens for the 2024-2025 academic year as these are live-in positions. 

Position descriptions can be found below and any questions can be directed to the Residence Area Coordinators and current Residence Life staff members. 

Any follow-up emails and invitations for application follow-up will be sent to your @lakeheadu.ca email address. If you are chosen for a position you will be required to attend mandatory training/meet and greet in early April and attend fall training and orientation from approximately August 19th - September 2nd, 2024. 

 All questions regarding the hiring process can be sent to resat@lakeheadu.ca


Resident Assistants

Resident Assistants (RAs) work in cooperatively with their house members to create an atmosphere of responsibility, consideration, and respect. These are the people who unlock the doors when students have locked themselves out, listen to students if they need to talk, and will point students in the right direction if they have any questions about the University. RAs also provide students with valuable and fun programs to give a balanced experience while here at university.

Resident Assistants address confidential, personal, social, medical, financial, or academic concerns. They are extremely knowledgeable and enjoy helping and are a friendly face to go to with any problems.

Resident Assistant Job Description


House Presidents

The House President (HPs) is responsible for organizing and running house events and keeping the house informed of events and activities that are taking place throughout the year. HPs will organize house events at various locations around the City of Thunder Bay, house dinners, bonfires, movie nights, and much more. HPs also hold a seat on the Residence Council and uphold the House members' best interests. Each House President also chairs a committee within the council. The HPs work really hard to ensure that students have a great year as a part of the residence community.

House President Job Description



There are two coordinators that are involved in Residence Life: Sports Coordinator and Media Coordinator. Each Coordinator heads up their committee with the assistance of the Council representative and members from each House. The Sports Coordinator is in charge of Residence sports as well as planning different sporting events such as Res Sports. The Media Coordinator helps promote community in residence through creatively engaging using various social media channels of Residence.

Sports Coordinator Job Description

Media Coordinator Job Description