Student Affairs Weekly - January 19, 2018

Participation Awards

We recognize that our students work hard, study hard, and are contributing members of society as they educate themselves at Lakehead University. That is why we have developed the Lakehead Experiential Advantage. We want to provide you with the opportunity to go out and learn more about your field, your passion, and your interests.

The Lakehead Experiential Advantage is funding to help provide you with an opportunity to gain extraordinary experience while completing your full-time studies. The focus is to help support student-driven education/initiatives that provide hands-on learning experiences.

Presenting/attending a conference, providing assistance to establish/strengthen initiatives that benefit the university or local community are examples of how this fund can help you. The possibilities are limitless.

To qualify you must be:

  • An undergraduate student currently enrolled full-time at Lakehead University

  • A Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident

  • A resident of Ontario

  • Participating in non-credit, student-driven education or initiatives within the current academic year.

Apply through myAwards. More information is available on myAwards or Student Central.


Did you know that beginning January 1, 2018, the province will provide free prescription drug coverage to children and youth under the age of 24, regardless of family income?  You don’t need to enrol – all you need is a health card number and an eligible prescription.  

Go to to learn more and find out if your medication is covered.

Meditation Sessions

Meditation is back for the winter term.  Join us for free, drop-in mindfulness meditation on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays as follows:

Mondays 12:30-1:00 in Prettie Residence Building

Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:45am-12:15 pm in Prettie Residence Building

Fridays 3:45pm-4:15 pm in the International Student Centre (LI 0026)

mindful eating

Want to learn more about mindful eating?  Did you know that there are actually 8 different types of hunger; that we can learn to end mindless eating and enjoy a more balanced relationship with food?

Come out to the Faculty Dining Lounge for a free lunch on Friday, January 26, 2018, from 12-1 to learn more about mindful eating and take part in a mindful eating meditation. Brought to you by Student Health and Counselling Centre in partnership with LUSU Foodbank and LUSU Sustainability Initiative.

Win 2500

The annual wouldurather.... contest - in partnership with Lakehead University's Student Health and Counselling Centre - closes on January 28th, don't miss out and sign up today! The contest offers four different ways to enter: quit smoking, cut back by half, stay away from smoking anytime you party/drink alcohol, or commit to continuing your smoke-free lifestyle.

This contest is a perfect match for a New Year's resolution!

Just follow the link to enter.