Engage & Innovate: Shaping Our Future Together

Welcome to our employee experience hub, where every voice matters and every contribution counts.

Your continued commitment to the Lakehead University community is deeply appreciated, and we are hopeful about the opportunity to work together in shaping our future initiatives. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that true engagement is a collaborative endeavor. Together, we can create a workplace community that fosters respect, innovation, growth, and success for all.

Register for the Engage and Innovate – Shaping Our Future Together session here.

Engage and Innovate Sessions:

We will be conducting three polls to gather your feedback:

Strengths: Identify the key strengths of our organization that we should celebrate and leverage.

Opportunities: Highlight areas where we have opportunities for improvement and growth.

Faculty Feedback: Faculty members can select the faculty specific area they believe should be improved.

Concept Creator Working Groups: Become part of it !!

The Concept Creator Working Group is a dedicated team of volunteers who share a common goal: to brainstorm and bring forth a list of innovative ideas and solutions on the topics identified by the University community as the top priorities. It's a platform where every voice is valued, and every idea has the potential to make a difference.

Joining this group is entirely voluntary, and it's open to anyone who wishes to participate. If you're interested in joining the Task Force, please fill one of the forms below!! 

Workload Manageability 

Professional Development

Support for diversity

Faculty Mentored




Idea Generation

Don’t Have Time !! Unleash your inner genius without joining the working group!

Have an innovative idea or a unique solution? Share it here!!