Current Research in Teacher Education
The following is a list of some of the interesting research, currently or recently undertaken, on teacher education in the Faculty (organized alphabetically):
Bayrami, L. (2024, May). Introduction to Shanker Self-Reg: Supporting students in grades 6 to 12. North Grenville District High School, ON.
Bayrami, L. (2024, May). Self-Reg: Addressing stress and anxiety in children from K-5. Burnhamthorpe Public School, ON.
Beatty, R. (2018). Connecting Algonquin loomwork and western mathematics in a Grade 6 classroom. In T. Bartell (Ed.), Toward equity and social justice in mathematics education (pp.105-125). Springer.
Beatty, R. (2018). Provincial webinar series: Ministry of Education’s Renewed Math Strategies Series.
Beatty, R. (2018). SSHRC Indigenous Research Capacity and Reconciliation Connection Grant: Culturally Responsive Education: Building Capacity. $44,666.
Beatty, R. & Ruddy, C. (2018). Mathematics exploration through Algonquin beadwork. In M. Sack (Ed.) My Best Ideas (pp. 50-63). Rubicon.
Beatty, R. (2019). SSHRC Connection Grant. First Nations and Metis Math Voices Project: Continuing Building Capacity. $68,154.
Beatty, R. (2019). Wiidookaadying Gikinoomaagewin: Gindaaswin Kendaaswin Relationships and Reciprocity: Indigenous Education and Mathematics Conference, hosted on the Orillia campus.
Beatty, R. (2020). A series of seminars for Nelson Canada on culturally responsive mathematics education.
Beatty, R. & Clyne, C. (2020). Relationships and reciprocity in mathematics education. In. T. Brown, A Glaze, N. Mathew & W. Wuttunee, (Eds.). Engaging Indigenous students: Creating pathways to success. Corwin Press.
Beatty, R. & Clyne, C. (2020). Culturally sustaining mathematics education. In J. Holm, & S. Mathieu-Soucy (Eds.), Proceedings / actes 2019 annual meeting / rencontre annuelle of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group / Groupe Canadien d’étude en didactique des mathématiques. Waterloo, ON: CMESG/GCEDM.
Bozkurt, A., Gjelsvik, T., Adam, T., Asino, T. I., Atenas, J., Bali, M., Blomgren, C., Bond, M., Bonk, C. J., Brown, M., Burgos, D., Conrad, D., Costello, E., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., Deepwell, M., Deimann, M., DeWaard, H. J., Dousay, T. A., … Zawacki-Richter, O. (2023). Openness in education as a praxis: From individual testimonials to collective voices. Open Praxis, 15(2), 76–112.
Carter, M., Fischer, B., Shuman, L., Wiebe, S., Howard, P., Sameshima P., Gouzouasis, P., Ricketts, K., & McLarnon, M. (2020, July). Reconceptualizing identity through design thinking and creativity: A Montreal case study. Canadian Art Teacher, 17(1), 24-38.
Cameron, E., & Russell, C. (2021). Fattening education: An invitation to the nascent field of fat pedagogy. In C. Pausé & S. R. Taylor (Eds.), The Routledge international Handbook of Fat Studies (pp. 120-131). Routledge.
Campbell, T., Verma, G., Melville, W. & Park, B-Y. (2019). JSTE as a forum for engaging in knowledge generation and discourses in science teacher education, equity and justice-focused science teacher education, and professional learning for science teacher education scholars. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(5), 429-433.
Campbell, T., Melville, W., Verma, G. & Park, B-Y. (2021). On the cusp of profound change: Science teacher education in and beyond the pandemic. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32(1), 1-6.
Carr, P. R., Pluim, G. & Howard, L. (2018). Engagement with the mainstream media and the relationship to political literacy: The Influence of hegemonic education on democracy. In P. Carr, M. Hoechsmann, & G. Thésée (Eds.), Democracy 2.0: Media and Political Literacy and Critical Engagement (pp. 65-81). Sense Publishers.
Cheng, C., van Barneveld, A., Eddington, D., Lem, C., & Mowat, J. (2019, November). NorthBEAT learning: Development of NorthBEAT’s elearning strategy to decrease barriers to EPI in Northwestern Ontario [Conference session]. EPION Conference, Toronto, ON.
Cheu, H., Sameshima, P., Strasser, R., Ross, B., Clithero-Eridon, A., Cameron, E., & Hu, C. (2022). Teaching compassion for social accountability: A parallaxic investigation. Medical Teacher.
Clarysse, L. K. (2023). Compartmentalizing Indigenous knowledge(s): Binary framing and cognitive imperialism in social studies curriculum. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-7.
Collins, T. & Grover, S. (2016-2019). SSHRC funded partnership project: The International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP): Child Participation in International Child Protection. $200,000.
DeWaard, H. (2021). Book review: Media education in Latin America. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(3), 163–165.
DeWaard, H., & Roberts, V. (2021). Revisioning the potential of Freire’s principles of assessment: Influences on the art of assessment in open and online learning through blogging. Distance Education.
DeWaard, H. (2022). Letting the light shine in: A tapestry of digital literacies in Canadian faculties of education. In L. Tomczyk & L. Fedeli (Eds.), Digital literacy for teachers. Springer Nature.
DeWaard H., Secord, S., & Johnson, L. (2022). Build it in Beta: ePortfolio Use in Teacher Education in Orillia Research Report. Education Research Fund.
DeWaard, H., & Chavhan, R. (2022). Cross-cultural mentoring in tertiary education: Enhancing self-efficacy through collaboration and openness in professional learning. In D. Forbes & R. Walker (Eds.), Learning to teach online: Continuing professional learning and development for tertiary teachers (pp. 57–69). Springer.
DeWaard, H. (2023). Media and digital literacies in Canadian teacher educators’ open educational practices: a post-intentional phenomenology [Doctoral Dissertation, Lakehead University].
DeWaard, H. (2024). Finding educommunication: In search of praxis in Canadian educologies. In S. Gennaro, N. Higdon, and M. Hoechsmann (Eds.). Transformative practice in critical media literacy: Radical democracy and decolonized pedagogy in higher education. Routledge.
DeWaard, H. J., Forsythe, G., & Baff, D. (2024). Graphically speaking: Expanding landscapes of scholarly writing using sketchnotes. Brock Education Journal, 33(1), 125–146.
DeWaard, H. (in press). Into the open: Shared stories of open educational practices in teacher education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology.
Field, E., & Schwartzberg, P. (2018). Climate change: A unique learning moment. Perspectives, 29.
Field, E., Pluim, G., Vamvalis, M., & Berger, P. (2019, April 6). Closing the controversy on climate change through critical inquiry [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Toronto.
Field, E. (2020). Is it all just emojis and lol: Or can social media foster environmental learning and activism? In M. Hoechsmann, P. R. Carr, & G. Thesee (Eds.), Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy. Boston, MA: Brill/Sense Publishers.
Field, E., Schwartzberg, P. & Berger, P. (2020). Canada, climate change and education: Opportunities for public and formal education (Formal Report for Learning for a Sustainable Future and funded by SSHRC and Trottier Foundation).
Field, E., Schwartzberg, P., & Berger, P. (2020). How should climate change be taught in schools?. Ed Can Network Facts on Education.
Field, E., Schwartzberg, P., Berger, P. & Gawron, S. (2020). Climate change education in the Canadian classroom: Perspectives, teaching practice, and possibilities. EdCan Network Magazine.
Field, E., Stevens, J., Spiropolous, G., & Acton, K. (2020). Empowering learners in a warming world: A climate change inquiry guide for secondary teachers (Guide written for Learning for a Sustainable Future and funded by the Cooperators).
Field, E. (2021). SRC Research Development Grant: Climate Change Education Network. $6,300
Field, E. (2021). SSHRC Insight Development Grant: Educational Policy and Practice in an Age of Climate Uncertainty. $52,746
Field, E. (2022) SSHRC Connections grant: Youth Sustainability Summit: Enabling Youth-led Dialogue through Action. $24,354
Field, E. & Berger, P. (2022). Your school and climate action. Principal Connections [Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario magazine], 26(2), pp. 58-60.
Field, E., Lee, D., Layton, S., Hunt, O., Barclay, C., & Berger, P. (Guest Editors). (2022). Special Issue: Year of Climate Action. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education 34(4).
Field, E. (2023). ECCC grant: Accelerating Climate Change Education in Teacher Education. $488,500
Field, E., Spiropolous, G., Nguyen, A., & Grewal, R. (2023). Climate change education within Canada’s regional curricula: A systematic review of gaps and opportunities. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 202, 155-184.
Field, E., Andrews, M., Hannah, J., Kerr, E., Stephens, D., & Elliott, A. (2024). Accelerating change-making: Critically reflexive learning across schools aiming to amplify regenerative practices. In I. Eikeland, B. Bjonness, & A. Wals (Eds), Whole school approaches to sustainability: Principles, practices, and prospects. Springer SDG 4 Series.
Field, E., Berger, P., Lee, D., Strutt, C., Nguyen, A. (2024). Knowledge, urgency, and agency: Reflections on climate change education course outcomes. Environmental Education Research.
Field, E., Tremblay, M., Inwood, H. (2024). Report from national roundtable on climate change education in teacher eucation. Accelerating Climate Change Education in Teacher Education.
Field, E., Stapleton, S., Lowan-Trudeau, G., & Harris, C. (in press). Climate activism in K-12 formal education across North American contexts. Handbook on Global Climate Activism. Routledge.
Galway, L. P., & Field, E. (2023). Climate emotions and anxiety among young people in Canada: A national survey and call to action. The Journal of Climate Change and Health. 9(2023), 1-8.
Gélineau, M., Russell, C., & Korteweg, L. (2023). “Invasive” species discourse in Ontario elementary and secondary curricula: A critical and decolonial analysis. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 26, 146-163.
Gladwin, D., Horst, R., James, K., & Sameshima, P. (2022, July). Imagining futures literacies: A collaborative praxis. Journal of Higher Education, Theory and Practice, 22(7). 1-14.
Glasser, L., Young, E., & Sameshima, P. (2019, July). The supermodel astronaut challenge: Traversing frames of mind. Qualitative Research Journal, 19(4), 415-425. doi:
Grewal, R., Field, E., & Berger, P. (2022). Bring climate injustices to the forefront: Learning from the youth climate justice movement. In E. Walsh (Ed.), Equity and social justice in climate change education: Exploring social and ethical dimensions of environmental education (pp. 39-70). Routledge.
Grover, S. (2018). Children’s participation in holding international peacekeepers accountable for sex crimes. Children’s Legal Rights Journal, 38(1), 1-38.
Grover, S.C. (2018). Child refugee asylum as a basic human right: Selected case law on state resistance. Springer Publishing
Grover, S.C. (2018). (Guest Editor). International peremptory norms and the democratic rule of law. Special Issue International Journal of Human Rights. 22(10).
Grover, S. (2018). Collective reparations as a partial remedy for state-perpetrated blanket violations of the rights of targeted child asylum seeker groups. In G. Ziccardi Capaldo (Ed.), 2018 Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (339–368), Oxford University Press.
Grover, S.C. (2019). (Ed.). Peremptory international legal norms and the democratic rule of law. Routledge.
Grover, S.C. (2020). Judicial activism and the democratic rule of law: Selected case studies. Springer Publishing.
Grover, S.C. (2020). The denial of 'wrongful life' claims in the Canadian courtroom: A reexamination from a children's rights perspective. In T. Waldock (Ed.), The status of children in Canada: A children’s right’s analysis (pp. 205-221). Wilfred Laurier Press.
Grover, S. (2021). Abuse of executive power’ versus simply bad policy (or maladministration’) and why the distinction matters. The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence. Oxford University Press.
Grover, S.C. (2021). The persecution of children as a crime against humanity: The case for the prosecution (Springer Publishers).
Grover, S.C. (2022). The democratic rule of law on trial: First amendment cases of the Trump era. Routledge.
Grover, S. (2023). The court's role in upholding inter-generational obligations respecting the child's right to truth: Juliana v the United States as a case in point 2022. The Global Yearbook on Law and Jurisprudence.
Grover, S. (Ed.) (2023). Judicial activism in an age of populism. Routledge.
Grover, S., Wall, J., & Chen, S. (2023). The legal case for children’s right to vote in the United States. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 31, 791-810.
Hardy, I. & Melville, W. (2018). Policy as praxis: Senior educators’ enactment of assessment policy reform. Power and Education, 11(1), 69-84.
Hardy, I. & Melville, W. (2018). The activation of epistemological resources in epistemic communities: District educators’ professional learning as policy enactment. Teaching & Teacher Education, 1, 159-167.
Holm, J. & Kajander, A. (2020). Seeking intersections: Math degrees, beliefs, and elementary teacher knowledge. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 20, 27-41.
Holm, J., & Kajander, A. (2020, April). Homeschooling math lessons: Think dice games, cooking fractions and ratios with chocolate milk. The Conversation.
Ingram, L., Pluim, G., Belay Faris, S., & Robinson, R. (2023, May 30). Decolonizing global citizenship in teacher education: A pilot study of a critical, collaborative experience between Canadian and Ethiopian students. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. York University, Toronto.
Kajander, A., Flessa, J., Lampo, A. & Sedor, K. (2018). Pitfalls of autonomy: The overlooked challenges of teaching locally developed mathematics in Ontario high schools. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 18(2), 164-176
Kajander, A., Holm, J., & Chernoff, E. J. (Eds.). (2018). Teaching and learning secondary school mathematics: Canadian perspectives in an International context. A volume in B. Sriraman (Series Ed.), Advances in mathematics education. Springer International Publishing.
Kajander, A. & Lovric, M. (2018). “It doesn’t exist”: Infinity and division by zero in the Ontario mathematics curriculum. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education,18(2), 154-163.
Kajander, A. (2023). Mathematics for intermediate teachers: From models to methods. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Kajander, A. & Avoseh, J. (2022). Nigerian teachers’ perceptions of using multiple representations to solve mathematics problems. In C. Sunal & M. Odebiyi (Eds.), Effects of government mandates and policies on public education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East (pp. 141-160). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing (IAP).
Kajander, A., & Holm, J. (2022). Mathematics education under the gavel: Who controls the minimum competency standards?. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 22, 959-973.
Kajander, A. & Colgan, L. (2024). Mathematics for teaching – It’s not (just) pedagogy. In Bridging the future - STEM education across the globe. 10.5772/intechopen.1006626
Kibalenko-Clarysse, L. (2022). Thinking through curriculum as a site for decolonial education: Indigenous related content and cognitive imperialism. Masters Thesis, University of Toronto.
Leslie, L. (2018). Teacher candidate placements: An underused method for recruiting certified, skilled, and compassionate teachers for remote Indigenous communities in Ontario. Report published for Rideau Hall Foundation; remote placement grant.
Lovell-Johnston, M. & Mastrangelo, S. (2018-2020). SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant, with matching funds from Simcoe County District School Board: Enhancing Instruction in Early Literacy, Inquiry-Based Kindergarten Classrooms.
Mastrangelo, S. (2018). What is self-reg and why is it so important? Presentation to teachers in the Waterloo Region District School Board. Rockway Public School, Waterloo, ON.
Mastrangelo, S. (2018). Self regulation in the early years: Application to our role as educators working with young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presentation to early childhood educators at Small Wonder and Little Wonder Preschool. Queens, NY.
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Keynote Presentations to The Alia Intervention Center Annual Autism Conference. Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Targeting Social Skills and Friendships: Possibilities for Practice at the Alia National School.
- The Autism Mentorship Program: Considerations for Transitions to Post-Secondary.
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Inclusion of students with disabilities in Canada: Challenges and opportunities. Conference Keynote: UNISUL Brazil annual special education conference. Tubarao, Brazil.
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Special educational needs and disabilities in primary education (Canada). In I. Menter, and M.T. Tatto (Eds). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. DOI: 10.5040/9781350996267.0030
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Reframing Autism Spectrum disorders: Building our understanding to support successful interactions. Invited Presentation to Jordan’s Principle Knowledge Exchange Conference. Toronto, ON.
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Reframing Autism Spectrum Disorders: Opportunities for educator practice. Chiefs of Ontario Annual Conference, Thunder Bay, ON.
Mastrangelo, S. (2019). Interview with Michelle Ferrari, self-regulation and the relationship to fear and anxiety.
Mastrangelo, S. & Lovell-Johnston, M. (2019-2022). SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, with contributions from Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre and the Mehritt Centre: Supporting the Development of Young Children’s Self-Regulation Capacities and Literacy Skills in Ontario’s Northern Communities: Engaging Families and Educators.
Mastrangelo, S. & Lovell-Johnston, M. (2019). Co-Regulation as the foundation to helping young children learn to read. Resonance. Self Regulation Institute.
Mastrangelo. S. (2021). Grant to Explore Well-Being Among Residents of Camphill Communities Ontario.
Mastrangelo, S. (2021). Fostering the Socio-Ecological Resilience of CCO's Maple Syrup Operation in the Face of Climate Change. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant.
Mastrangelo, S. (2020). Keynote Presentations to St. Lucia Ministry of Special Education National Conference. Castries, St. Lucia
- Reframing Behaviours in Students with Special Needs.
- Strategies for Supporting Our Students Through their Stress Behaviours.
- Research Findings on the Impact of Corporal Punishment.
Melville, W., Kerr, D., Verma, G. & Campbell, T. (2018). Science education and student autonomy. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 18(2), 87 97.
Melville, W., Hardy, I., & Roy, M. (2019). Struggling to ‘see the big picture’: Professional learning and precarious employment. Teacher Development, 23(4), 407-424.
Melville, W., Jones, D. & Campbell, T. (2019). Axiology, the subject and the chair. Research in Science Education 49(3), 679-696.
Melville, W., Verma, G. & Campbell, T. (2019). The Journal of Science Teacher Education in 2019: A year in review. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Melville, W., Verma, G. & Campbell, T. (2019). A word from the incoming Co-Editors in Chief. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(1), 1-5.
Melville, W. & Hardy, I. (2020). Teacher learning, accountability and policy enactment in Ontario: The centrality of trust. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 19(1), 1-17.
Melville, W. & Kerr, D. (Eds.) (2020). Virtues as integral to science education: Understanding the intellectual, moral, and civic value of science and scientific inquiry. New York: Routledge.
Melville, W., & Kerr, D. (2024). SSHRC insight partnership grant. Associate teaching in Ontario: Understanding new challenges and directions. Kotsopoulos, D., Barwell, R., Melville, W. & Amato, L. $24650
Melville, W., Verma, G. & Campbell, T. & Park, B-Y. (2022). Challenging the hegemony of western scientism in science teacher education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(7), 703-709.
Narine, C. & Pluim, G. (In Press). Teacher education students’ reflections on adaptations to practice teaching at Lakehead University, Orillia. In Joanne Pattison-Meek & Christina Phillips (Eds.), Pedagogies of practicum - Post-pandemic reflections on innovation in practice teaching. Peter Lang Publishing.
Opini, B., & Radebe, P. (2023). The perils and strains of teaching race and racism to predominantly white teacher candidates. Studies in Social Justice, 17(3), 454-476.
Orasi, T., & Sameshima, P. (2022, Feb.). Virtual reality as a vehicle for reimagining creative literacies, research and pedagogical space. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(1), 161-174. doi:
Oskineegish, M. (2020). Exploring instructional strategies in an Indigenous Education course in initial teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research.
Parattukudi, A. & Melville, W. (2019). Understanding the phenomenon: A comparative study of compassion of the west and karuna of the east. Asian Philosophy.
Pathak, L. & Melville, W. (2023). Character development and the ‘in-between’. Critical Humanities, 1(2). DOI:
Peacock, J. & Melville, W. (2018). The evolving role of the science department chair. International Journal of Science Education, 41(2), 139-149.
Pluim, G. (2018). Histories of settler-Indigenous relations in Huronia: Experiences and outcomes of a land- and water-based course [Conference presentation]. “Educating for the Future”: Learning Outcomes & Experiential Learning Symposium. Toronto.
Pluim, G. (2019, March 4). Global citizenship education: Comparative perspectives between the Caribbean and North America [Conference presentation]. Research and Innovation Symposium, Faculty of Education Panel. Lakehead University, Orillia.
Pluim, G. (2019, February 20). Worlding the West as world: Interrogating perspectives of global citizenship education beyond the “West”. [Conference presentation]. The University of the West Indies Schools of Education Biennial Conference 2019. St. Augustine Campus, St. Trinidad and Tobago.
Pluim, G. (2020, October 31). Land-based Approaches in Moral Education for Reconciliation and Sustainability [Poster presentation]. Association for Moral Education, 46th Annual Conference, Ottawa (virtual).
Pluim, G. & Snache/Giniw, K. (2020). Wild pedagogies: The land as teacher of pre-colonial history, societal relations, and contemporary issues of justice. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, 32(4).
Pluim, G., Semeniuk, J., Clarysse, L., Cooper, K., Hunter, S., Radebe, P., Boucher, M., Strath, A., Vaccaro, A., Espinoza, D., Chen, M. (2020). Teacher Education Research Fund grant. Operation happy to be here: A student experience study in the faculty of education. Awarded: $1,500
Pluim, G., Nazir, J., & Wallace, J. (2021). Curriculum integration and the semi-centennial of Basil Bernstein’s classification and framing of educational knowledge. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 20(4).
Pluim, G. & Stewart, S. (2021). Toward a Caribbean perspective of global citizenship education: a comparative analysis of education students’ reflexive perspectives of global citizenship. In Blair, E. & K. Williams (Eds.) A Handbook on Caribbean Education (pp. 489-509). Information Age Publishing.
Pluim, G. [Panel Chair]; Hunter, S., Semeniuk, J., Vaccaro, A., Espinoza, D., Strath, A., & Ingram, L. (2021, June). Student voice in the development of teacher education pedagogy and programming.[Conference presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. Edmonton (Virtual).
Pluim, G. (2022). Teacher Education Research Fund Grant. Decolonizing global citizenship in teacher education: A pilot study for a critical, collaborative experience between Canadian and Ethiopian students. Awarded: $830
Pluim, G. (2022, November 11). A new curriculum fit for purpose. [Conference presentation]. Young People and Information: It’s Complicated. 3CL Foundation. Valetta.
Pluim, G., & Hunter, S. (2022). Changing educational landscapes and the importance of mental wellbeing in teacher education. In P. Danyluk, A. Burns, L. S. Hill & K. Crawford (Eds.). (2022). Crisis and opportunity: How Canadian Bachelor of Education programs responded to the pandemic (pp. 288-301). [Conference session]. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Pluim, G., Chambers, J., Valenzuela, E., Semeniuk, J., Rossi, J., Alhambra, M., Hill, A., Steele, A., & Sivakuma, G. (2023). Teacher Education Research Fund Grant. OH2BH 2023: Transitioning back to post-pandemic conditions. Awarded: $1,500.
Pluim, G., Ingram, L., & Faris Belay, S. (2023-2025). SSHRC Insight Grant. Decolonizing global citizenship in teacher education: A case study of a critical, collaborative experience for Canadian and Ethiopian university students. Awarded: $51,961.
Pluim, G. & Pacione Fernanda, A. (2023, May 31). Land-based and decolonizing practices: Experiences and perspectives from an intensive, land-based education teacher education in Ontario. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. York University, Toronto.
Pluim, G., Sargent, L., Howlett, S., West, N., Pacione Fernanda, A. (2023, September 24). Place-based education as a foundation for teaching. [Conference presentation]. Opening Doors to the Outdoors: Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario Annual Fall Conference. Camp Couchiching.
Pluim, G. [Panel Chair], Semeniuk, J., Sivakumar, G., Alhambra, M., & Rossi, J.n (2023, May 28). The contributions of teacher education student voice to program quality at an Ontario Faculty of Education. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. York University, Toronto.
Pluim, G. (2023, May 12). Teacher candidate wellbeing in the Lakehead Faculty of Education.[Conference presentation]. Applied Self-Regulation Knowledge Conference. Orillia
Pluim, G. (2024). Epistemological dimensions of integrating critical global citizenship in teacher education: A case for a holistic approach to GCE through the Body, Mind, and Soul. Prospects.
Pluim, G. (2024). Teacher candidate wellbeing in the Lakehead Faculty of Education. Journal of Applied Self Regulation.
Puk, T. (2021). Intree: Embodied Experience in a Flat Screen World. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education 24, 55–69.
Puk, T. (2021). Nature-based regenerative healing: A case study of interpersonal ecotherapy. European Journal of Ecopsychology 7, 19-40.
Puk, T. (May 2022). Invited Presenter. Nature-based wellbeing. Wellness and Wellbeing Summit, University of South Florida and University of Naples.
Puk, T. (2023). Nurturing embodied experience: Risk-tolerant parental attitudes towards nature-based childrens' learning. Education 3-13, 51(2), 200-211.
Puk, T. (2023). The new, opaque 21st c energy reversed paradigm. Abstract, Oxford Education Research Symposium, University of Oxford, England.
Puk, T. (2024). Nature-based health and well-being: Utilizing nature in the healing process. 14th International Conference on Health, Well-being and Society. Malmo, Sweden.
Puk, T. (2024). Nature-based regenerative healing: Nature and neurons. European Journal of Ecopsychology, 9,111-139.
Puk, T. (2024). The opaque 21st C reversed polarity default paradigm: ON. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 20(4), e2419.
Radebe, P. (2021). For better or for worse: Western mainstream media and the ‘renarrativization’ of Black heroes. International Journal of African Studies, 1(4), 1—15. DOI:
Radebe, P., & Opini, B. (2021). Racialization of knowledge: How the marginalization of Black history and knowledge foster a lack of racial literacy among teacher candidates. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 16(2), 1-18. DOI:
Radebe, P. (2021). Derek Chauvin: Racist cop or product of a racist police academy?. Journal of Black Studies, 52(3), 231-247. DOI:
Radebe, P. (2023). Anti-black racism: Corporate media and the politics of racialization and criminalization. In George J.S. Dei and Rukiya Mohamed (eds.). Mapping the contours: African perspectives on anti-blackness and anti-black racism (pp. 77–90). DIO Press Inc.
Radebe, P. (2024). Anti-black racism in the Ontario public school system: Problematizing the labeling of young black students as troublemakers. Journal of Black Studies, 0(0).
Roberts, V., Havemann, L., & DeWaard, H. (2023). Intentional open learning design. In T. Jaffer, S. Govender, & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.), Learning design voices.
Rubinoff, T., Daniel, N., & Chin, C. (2024). Creating a supportive virtual mentorship community for educators through The Mentoree. In B. Kutsyuruba & F. K. Kochan (Eds.), Mentoring for wellbeing in schools (pp. 217-240). Information Age Publishing.
Running Hawk Johnson, S., Cheng, M., Karpudewan, M., Campbell, T., Melville, W., Verma, G. & Park, B-Y. (2023). Onto-epistemological realities and assumptions beyond western science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 34(6), 583-592.
Russell, C. (2019). An intersectional approach to teaching and learning about humans and other animals in educational contexts. In T. Lloro-Bidart & V. Banschbach (Eds.), Animals in environmental education: Interdisciplinary approaches to curriculum and pedagogy (pp. 35-52). Palgrave Macmillan.
Russell, C. (2020). Fat pedagogy and the disruption of weight-based oppression: Toward the flourishing of all bodies. In S. Steinberg & B. Down (Eds.), The Sage handbook of critical pedagogies, Volume 3 (pp. 1516-1531). Sage.
Russell, C., Sarick, T., & Kennelly, J. (2021). Queering environmental education redux. In J. Russell (Ed.), Queer ecopedagogies: Explorations in sexuality, nature and education (pp. 19-35). Springer.
Russell, C., Chandler, P., & Dillon, J. (2023). Humour and environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 29(4), 491-499.
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