CUDO 2007: Section I - University Revenue and Expenses

Section I 1: Revenue for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2006

  General Expendable Funds Restricted Expendable Funds    
  Operating   Sponsored Research        
  Operating Other (Non-Credit) Subtotal Ancillary Entities Consolidated Entities Not Consolidated Subtotal Trust Capital Total Expendable Funds Endowment
  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
1. Government Grants and Contracts:
a) Ontario MTCU:
(i) Basic Formula Grant 30694 0 30694 0 0 0 0 0 0 30694 0
(ii) Non-Formula Grants 19457 65 19522 45 139 0 139 120 521 20347 0
(iii) Other MTCU Grants & Contracts 3826 0 3826 0 176 0 176 478 0 4480 919
b) Other Ontario Government Grants and Contracts 46 0 46 0 1886 0 1886 0 0 1932 1061
Total Ontario Grants and Contracts 54023 65 54088 45 2201 0 2201 598 521 57453 1980
c) Federal 172 157 329 0 8207 0 8207 0 0 8536 0
d) Municipal 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 5 0
e) Other Provinces 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f) Foreign 0 0 0 0 68 0 68 0 0 68 0
2. Fees
a) Tuition Fees 31153 391 31544 0 0 0 0 0 0 31544 0
b) Miscellaneous Fees 2504 0 2504 0 0 0 0 0 0 2504 0
3. Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100000 100000 0
4. Donations and Non-Government Grants and Contracts 1271 54 1325 0 2798 0 2798 354 0 4477 2371
5. Sales of Services and Products 0 0 0 13676 0 0 0 0 0 13676 0
6. Investment Income
a) Endowment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2241 0 2241 177
b) Other Investment Income 591 0 591 305 0 0 0 389 52 1337 0
7. Miscellaneous 468 583 1051 0 376 0 376 79 0 1506 0
Total 90182 1250 91432 14026 13655 0 13655 3661 100573 223347 4528

Note: Source: COU. COFO-UO Financial Report
For more information: > Financial Statements


Section I 2
Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2006

  General Expendable Funds Restricted Expendable Funds  
          Sponsored Research      
  Operating Other (Non-Credit) Subtotal Ancillary Entities Consolidated Entities Not Consolidated Subtotal Trust Capital Total
  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
1. Salaries and Wages:
(i) Academic Ranks 27931 13 27944 0 580 0 580 0 0 28524
(ii) Other Instruction & Research 4376 137 4513 0 3413 0 3413 0 0 7926
(iii) Other Salaries & Wages 16098 730 16828 1822 762 0 762 0 0 19412
Total Salaries and Wages 48405 880 49285 1822 4755 0 4755 0 0 55862
2. Employee Benefits 8451 104 8555 321 427 0 427 0 0 9303
Total Salaries and Benefits 56856 984 57840 2143 5182 0 5182 0 0 65165
3. Library Acquisitions 1642 3 1645 0 115 0 115 0 0 1760
4. Furniture and Equipment Purchases 1082 38 1120 169 1455 0 1455 0 0 2744
5. Equipment Rental and Maintenance 2149 106 2255 3 275 0 275 0 0 2533
6. Printing and Duplicating 396 24 420 24 49 0 49 0 0 493
7. Materials and Supplies 1883 229 2112 378 1305 0 1305 19 0 3814
8. Communications 430 9 439 104 46 0 46 0 0 589
9. Professional Fees 1189 0 1189 5 596 0 596 0 0 1790
10. Cost of Goods Sold 0 0 0 5806 0 0 0 0 0 5806
11. Travel 1292 95 1387 9 1375 0 1375 2 0 2773
12. Utilities 2519 2 2521 989 13 0 13 0 0 3523
13. Renovations and Alterations 0 0 0 974 0 0 0 0 1767 2741
14. Externally Contracted Services 147 0 147 362 0 0 0 0 0 509
15. Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. 3864 2 3866 0 1359 0 1359 1406 0 6631
16. Debt Repayments 42 0 42 858 0 0 0 0 653 1553
17. Interest 338 0 338 1299 0 0 0 0 2585 4222
18. Building, Land and Site Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Other Operational Expenditures 3250 135 3385 168 22 0 22 0 0 3575
20. Internal Cost Allocations 118 19 137 (137) 0 0 0 0 0 0
21. External Cost Recoveries (959) (386) (1345) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1345)
Total 76238 1260 77498 13154 11792 0 11792 1427 5005 108876

Note: Source: COU. COFO-UO Financial Report
For more information: > Financial Statements


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