Why Capital Markets and Operations (Scotiabank Webinar)

Event Date: 
Monday, October 4, 2021 - 5:00pm EDT
Event Location: 

Do you have a passion for the markets? Are you eager to work in a fast-paced environment, learning something new every day? Are you interested in being part of big, strategic decisions that have a grand scale impact? Look no further, Scotiabank has opportunities for you! If you said yes to any of the above questions, be sure to register for our Why Capital Markets and Operations event! We will fill you in on Scotiabank's secrets on how to get your foot in the door in this competitive but exciting industry!  Whether you're a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year student studying business, science, technology, math, you name it, we want to meet you and talk about how you can get a taste of the Finance world at Scotiabank and take your career to the next level. We'll be discussing front office opportunities within our Global Banking & Markets sector, including Corporate Banking, Equity Research, Global Wholesale Operations, Global Business Payments, and so many other Operations roles that will allow you to gain a deep understanding of Global Banking and Markets! Be prepared to network and come with questions!

 Event RSVP Form: https://airtable.com/shrn4f8VyiA7QIfUi