Alternative Teaching Placements

Teacher candidates with three successful prior placements may complete a traditional placement, or may apply to complete an Alternative Teaching Placement in Year 2, Placement 4 (pending availability). Any of the following may be considered as an alternative placement setting:

  • non-traditional settings such as museums, art galleries, nature centres, historical parks, Boys and Girls' clubs, Indigenous Friendship Centres, and other organizations with an educational component
  • out-of-province options, such as placements in schools in other Canadian provinces (e.g., Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, or British Columbia)
  • schools in remote/Indigenous communities
  • specialized programming within schools (e.g., Special Education programming)

The Application for Alternative Placement is provided to teacher candidates during the placement selection process, at the end of Year 1. Teacher candidates requesting an alternative/remote placement in Year 2 will be provided with further information, including a list of potential sites where alternative placements have previously taken place.

Expectations for an Alternative Teaching Placement

Teacher candidates are expected to engage in the following during alternative placements:

  • developing/modifying curriculum (not necessarily the Ontario Curriculum, but any curriculum you deliver to students as an organization)
  • planning/implementing/teaching curriculum of some type
  • working with students in your grade-level division and/or other divisions (e.g., working with senior or community members)
  • meeting with mentor teacher/host to discuss feedback and subsequent evaluations, and next steps in terms of ongoing lesson planning and implementation
  • meeting with mentor teacher/host to set learning goals for self and other individuals

Costs for Alternative Teaching Placements

Please note, alternative placements in remote or out-of-province locations can be costly, and many alternative placements have added costs:

  • transportation (to/from region; to/from school or site)
  • accommodation
  • other living expenses such as food (higher in some areas)
  • unexpected fees (for out-of-province travel)
  • medical insurance (inter-provincial)

Teacher candidates are responsible for costs associated with alternative placements.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for an alternative placement, for Placement 4 only, a teacher candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Pass all three previous placements as evidenced by the summative assessments
  • Successfully complete all academic coursework, including electives
  • Pass math competency assessment (for P/J TCs only)
  • Receive no ‘at risk’ descriptors on summative assessments in Placements 2 or 3
  • Receive less than 5 (Placements 1 and 2), and 0 (Placement 3) ‘needs further development’ descriptors on summative assessments
  • Submit complete application form, with summative assessments for Year 1 placements by deadline
  • Receive Selection Committee* approval (*any two of Program Chair, Professional Experiences Coordinator, Faculty Advisor, Faculty Liaison)
  • Submit mandatory VSS/Health and Safety document