Co-op Funding Programs

A number of programs are available to employers to assist in hiring a student at the Undergraduate, Master or higher level. Contact the organizations involved with the following programs for additional details on eligibility and the application process:

Co-op Funding

Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit (CETC)

Description: A refundable tax credit for businesses hiring students enrolled in a recognized post-secondary co-operative education program.

Terms/Assistance/Benefits: Provides a maximum tax credit of $3,000 for each post-secondary co-operative education placement of an Ontario student.

NSERC Experience Award

Description: NSERC’s Experience Awards (previously Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards [IUSRA]) offer organizations access to talented natural sciences and engineering undergraduate students for a work term. This cost-shared program allows students to address organization-specific R&D challenges while gaining valuable industrial experience. 

Terms/Assistance/Benefits: $4500 per student for a 16 week term.

Industrial Undergraduate Research Assistance (NSERC)

Description: Federal award designed to encourage research and promote graduate studies in the natural sciences and engineering.

Terms/Assistance/Benefits: Awards $4,500 for a 12-16 week worm term.

Summer Co-op Term Funding

Canada Summer Jobs

Description: Contributions for employers to hire students during the summer.

Terms/Assistance/Benefits: Up to 50% of provincial minimum wage per hour.

Summer Jobs Service

Description: Wage support for employers hiring students for seasonal jobs during the summer.

Terms/Assistance/Benefits: Wage support of $2/hr for up to 16 weeks.