Summative Assessment

Summative assessments, like that white string across the finish line of a race, are end-point checks. Did you set a goal for this week that your learners must achieve prior to moving to the next more complex goal (eg. demonstrate cause and effect of…, present your ideas to gather feedback for….)? Perhaps you have reached the end of your course. Summative assessments help you to determine the degree to which your learners are ready for what comes next (start their groups project, move to the next course in your program). It becomes extremely challenging when a learner is moving forward in a program when they are not ready to do so. Summative assessments help you (and them) be ready.

Oral examination

Benefit of oral examination:

  • Students experiencing difficulties are given an opportunity to clarify unclear or ambiguous questions prior to answering
  • Helps to assess the application of theory to practice, as well as ‘soft skills’ such as professional information delivery and effective communication methods.
  • Assess the conceptual misunderstandings that often get masked by written exams
  • Avoid common academic integrity issues by ensuring students must rely on their own work and their own words.

Useful Links:

ePortfolio assessment

Benefit of ePortfolio assessment:

  • Empower learners to provide authentic/performance-based evidence of what was learned
  • Professional possibilities that a digital portfolio can provide to learners in and out of school.
  • Help students to deepen and integrate their learning through reflection (core to ePortfolio assessment).

Useful Links:

More information to help you develop assessment for/of/as learning in your teaching: