#NoStigma November

Student Health and Wellness is celebrating #NoStigmaNovember, stopping the stigma of struggling with mental health and normalizing seeking help when needed is a whole campus initiative and we encouraging all members of the Lakehead community to take action to support their own mental health and to create a campus culture that supports one another and encourages those to get help when needed.

Students can take part by:

Lakehead faculty and staff can take part by:

  • Support your wellbeing by practicing self-care. Faculty/staff well-being is integral to overall campus health as well as the capacity to engage others in well-being practices. There are many actions you can take to make your mental health a priority and resources are available to you as a Lakehead staff or faculty member.
  • Attending the Stop the Stigma workshop
  • Promote mental health resources in your spaces, meetings, websites, email signatures, etc.
  • Submitting words of encouragement to be shared with students
  • Encourage students to use the WellU Key to learn more about areas of wellbeing that may be affecting them and resources for support

Download the Stop the Stigma toolkit for resources and strategies that Lakehead faculty and staff can adopt and practice in their own spaces.

MDE in simple graphic design style, black and neutral colors high contrast symbolic