Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification)

Who should use this form: 

The Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification) letter is accessed through myInfo and is specific to you based on your current registration for the current term.  

If you require a Confirmation of Enrolment (Enrolment Verification) for previous terms, or are a graduate student requesting a letter, please submit a Request for A Special Letter.

Confirmation of Enrolment for Government Student Loans:

This form does not satisfy the required confirmation for government student financial assistance (e.g. OSAP, Canada Loans & Provincial student loan programs). If you are seeking to confirm your student loans, please note that your provincial government will communicate directly with us and we will confirm with 5 - 10 business days of receipt (excluding Quebec, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, please submit your paper documentation to Student Central). If you are trying to keep your loans in interest and/or payment-free status, please log into your OSAP portal for Ontario students, or the NSLSC portal and submit a confirmation of interest free status electronically.