What We Do

The OHRE’s roles and responsibilities are:


We provide students, employees, and volunteers with private and confidential information about their rights in education, employment, and accommodation.

Contact us to schedule a private and confidential information session.


We provide faculties, departments, and programs with private and confidential consultations on their duties and obligations related to human rights laws and policies as well as equity, diversity, and inclusion principles and practices.

Contact us for a private and confidential consultation session.


We provide students, employees, and volunteers with accommodations based on
religion/creed and family status.

Learn how to request an accommodation.

Complaint Investigation and Resolution

We investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence by students, employees, and volunteers.

Learn how to report an incident of discrimination or sexual and gender-based violence.

Education and Training

We provide education and training workshops for students, employees, and volunteers on human rights, sexual and gender-based violence, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Contact us to schedule an education and training workshop.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

We oversee the implementation of Lakehead University's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan, called Accessing Excellence Together.

Read the Lakehead University Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan.