ORPT alumnus Jackie Chan receives 3M National Student Fellowship

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 / Campus

Jacky Chan headshot

Jacky WL Chan (HB OEd'16) is an outdoor educator and the co-founder and director of Zen’s Outdoor Leadership Camp for Youth (ZOLCY) – a volunteer driven Canadian NGO. ZOLCY’s mission is   to cultivate self-development, outdoor leadership, and the pursuit of continuous education. Jacky leads groups to Jamaica and Nepal where he facilitates volunteer-driven service learning programs   grounded in critical social justice initiatives.

Jacky has trained in martial arts for over twenty years and spent several months in China where he trained with the legendary Shaolin Warrior monks. He currently holds the title of “Sensei” as a third  degree black belt in the art of Shotokan karate-do. He has studied yoga and meditation in India and Nepal and is a certified Laughter Yoga instructor.

Jacky is an avid traveler and has explored many regions of the world in pursuit of adventure, knowledge, and cultural understanding. In 2014/15 he cruised down the Amazon River in a cargo boat,   trained in Chinese kickboxing in China, and motorcycled across Nepal and Northern India.

He received his Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation from Lakehead and is currently working on his Masters with a focus on social justice.