Public Policy to the 'Meta' Rescue!

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT
Event Location: 
Event Contact Name: 
Kathy Boczek
Event Contact E-mail: 

The world’s largest social media platform could face a future of tighter regulations and more stringent rules. Facebook (now known as Meta) and its various social media platforms (including Instagram, WhatsApp, and the core Facebook product) host more than half of the world’s population. This scale provides the tech giant unprecedented corporate, social, and, most importantly, political power in the social networking space. Amid the amount of power and influence the app wields, it’s been the subject of accusations for failing to prevent the spread of misinformation and inflaming tensions worldwide. However, it is the role that the app has played in impacting politics around the globe that is sending shockwaves and concerns among various regulatory spheres.

 "On June 16, 2022, the federal government introduced Bill C-27, Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022. If passed, the potential Digital Charter could greatly enhance the security of internet users across the country while streamlining the flow of information across our digital platforms".

Join David Bruno, cyber security expert, as he explains (in plain language) the policy behind Bill C-27 and shares insights from his latest White Paper “Public Policy to the ‘Meta’ Rescue!” and the Government’s attempt at restoring user rights from social media giants. 

This event is part of Cyber Security Awareness Month.  Visit our website for more information.

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