Research Matters - Shaw TV Interview

Research Matters.
In our fourth episode, Dr. Andrew Dean interviews Dr. Vicki Kristman about her research and why her research is important to Northwestern Ontario, particularly making work as healthy and safe as possible for both physical and mental wellbeing. 

 Dr. Kristman stresses the importance of working with communities and how working with communities has helped build the Enhancing Prevention of Injury and Disability @ Work (EPID@Work) Research Institute. 
EPID@Work focuses on three streams:
1. Mental health in the workplace
2. Equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace
3. Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation
Audrey joins the episode to discuss the experience Nokiiwin Tribal Council has had working in partnership with Dr. Kristman and her team. Audrey shares the value of the research for communities and how communities retain control over the research process. 
Kara, a PhD student with Dr. Kristman, also joins the episode to discuss her research interests. She focuses on mental health regarding workplace isolation, which manifests in many ways, like working from home, bullying, or lack of organizational support. 

Watch the full interview here 👉
Thank you Dr. Kristman, Audrey, and Kara for sharing why research matters to you and our communities.