Our Team
The purpose of the EPID@Work Management Committee is to operationalize recommendations from the Advisory Board to direct Institute activities. The committee was created to ensure that there is active research occurring in each of the theme areas: special populations of interest, musculoskeletal injury, and mental health in the workplace. The Management Committee reports to the Advisory Board. The committee recommends topics for research, training, and consultation projects and provides direction for the Director and Associate Director to share opportunities with Research Institute members to take the lead on these projects.
2024 Membership:
Dr. Vicki Kristman
Senior Scientist and Director
Dr. Kathy Sanderson
Scientist and Lead: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. Lynn Martin
Senior Scientist and Lead: Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation
Dr. Abigale Sprakes
Scientist and Lead: Mental Health in the Workplace
Dr. Vicki Kristman, Department of Health Sciences, Senior Scientist
Associate Director:
Dr. Kathy Sanderson, Department of Business Administration, Scientist
Full members:
- Dr. Abigale Sprakes, Department of Social Work, Scientist
- Dr. Amanda Maranzan, Department of Psychology, Scientist
- Dr. Anna Koné Péfoyo, Department of Health Sciences, Scientist
- Dr. Christopher Mushquash, Department of Psychology, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Senior Scientist
- Dr. Helle Møller, Department of Health Sciences, Scientist
- Dr. Jo-Ann Vis, School of Social Work, Scientist
- Dr. Kathryn Sinden, School of Kinesiology, Scientist
- Dr. Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio, School of Nursing, Scientist
- Dr. Lori Chambers, Department of Gender and Women's Studies, Senior Scientist
- Dr. Lynn Martin, Department of Health Sciences, Senior Scientist
- Dr. Mojgan Zarghamifard, Department of Psychology, Visiting Professor
- Dr. David Thompson, School of Nursing, Associate Professor
Adjunct Members:
- Dr. Afshin Vafaei, Western University, Department of Health Studies, Associate Scientist
- Dr. Arif Jetha, Institute for Work & Health, Scientist
- Dr. Basak Yanar, Institute for Work & Health, Associate Scientist
- Dr. Cecile Boot, Vrije Universiteit (VU) University Medical Center in Amsterdam, Scientist
- Dr. Fergal O'Hagan, Trent University, Department of Psychology, Scientist
- Dr. Joshua Armstrong, Department of Health Sciences, Associate Scientist
- Dr. Manal Alzghoul, Brock University, School of Nursing, Scientist
- Dr. Monique Gignac, Institute for Work & Health, Senior Scientist
- Dr. Rebecca Schiff, University of Northern British Columbia, Department of Health Sciences, Scientist
- Dr. Salimur Choudhury, Department of Computer Science, Scientist
- Dr. Vijay Mago, School of Health Policy and Management, York University, Associate Professor
- Dr. Heather M Boynton, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Deborah Scharf, Trillium Health Partners, Institute for Better Health, Senior Clinician Scientist
Emeritus Member:
Dr. William Shaw, University of Connecticut Health Center, Scientist
The purpose of the EPID@Work Advisory Board Committee is to provide guiding recommendations to the Director and Management Committee to direct Institute activities. The committee was created to ensure guidance from all vital stakeholders: injured workers, unions, employers, health care, compensation and legislation. These perspectives will assist in the development of each of the core research theme areas: special populations of interest, musculoskeletal injury, and mental health in the workplace. Members will be advocates for the Institute.
Members include the EPID@Work Director, the Lakehead University VPRI (or designate), and two representatives from each of the following groups:
- Injured workers and/or union representatives
- Employer representatives
- Health care representatives
- Compensation or legislation representatives
2024 Advisory Board Membership:
- Amy Kembel, Synergy North
- Dr. Batia Stolar, Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies; Chair of Advisory Committee
- Elizabeth Widdifield, RegenMed
- Jules Tupker, Retired, previous CUPE Union
- Margaret Cernigoj, EPID@Work KMI Lead
- Steve Mantis, Ontario Network of Injured Workers, Thunder Bay and District Injured Workers Support Group
EPID@Work Research Institute is looking for new members on our Advisory Board Committee. Please complete this form and email to epid.hbsc@lakeheadu.ca if you are interested in joining our Advisory Board.